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Cats are very sensitive specially when they are newly born.

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Q: 4 kittens died at 3 weeks old why?
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How old do kittens start to purr?

After they are about 3 weeks old. I just got a new baby kitten.

What age should kittens have their jabs?

Kittens have two initial set of injections; one at nine weeks and the second set at twelve weeks old.

Is a 3 and a half year old kitten able to leave its mom?

There are no 3 1/2 year old kittens. By that age, they are cats. The kittens are ready to go to new homes at about 12 weeks.

Should the kittens already be running around playing at 3 weeks?

No. Not usually anyway. Kittens are unable to walk until they're at least 3 weeks old, however most kittens are only able to run at 5 weeks, and leap and jump in a coordinated manner at 5-6 weeks. By 6 weeks, kittens have the ability to turn in mid-air and usually land on their feet when falling. So if your kittens aren't running around and playing yet at 3 weeks, don't freak out, they aren't old enough to be doing that yet. If they were, I'd be freaking out in a good way, because they're like super kittens. But don't force them or anything, obviously.

When do kittens hear?

When they are about 3 to 3 and a half weeks old.

Can you use flea spray on a mothering cat and 3 day old kittens?

NO! never use it on the kittens until they are 8 weeks old. and not on the mother while she's letting them suckle

How do you determin the age of an abandoned kitten?

Ways to tell the age of a baby kittens. Newborns up to the 10 days have their eyes closed . If a kitten has blue eyes, it is less than 7 weeks old. If the kitten has the umbilical cord attached it is less than 3 days old. Checking a kitten's teeth is a good way to determine how old the kitten is. The centre incisors will erupt from the gums at about 3 weeks, outer incisors about 4 weeks, canines about 4 weeks, upper molars about 8 weeks, lower molars about 5 weeks. Kittens will eat independently at 5 weeks of age. Kittens under 3 weeks aren't toilet trained.

We have barn kittens that are 3 weeks old, and their mom died. We feed them cat milk every 4 hours. All of the kittens chew on the runt for some reason. Does anyone know why Please answer quickly as we are keeping the runt apart from the rest for now. Ty?

They sometimes pick on the weak. It could be a real problem. Protect it

Has your cats milk dried up Kittens only 3 weeks old?

Your kittens will probably survive, but you should go to the store and find some solution to feed your kittens. They sell the solution in Walmart and probably most pet stores.

Can 2 week old kittens walk?

some kittens can walk but not very well they tip over and get back up and try again but mostly what they do at 2 weeks old they sand and tip over it is really cut when they r trying 2 walk (and trust me right now i have 2 cates that had kittens 3 weeks ago there is 9 in all there 10 but 1 dide :(..)

How soon can a kitten stand up on four legs after it is born?

kittens can start walking when there about 4 to 5 weeks old

How long does it take for kittens to hear?

They can hear a little when they're 3 weeks