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Earlier cases can be cited as precedent in later cases, either binding or advisory.

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caselaw precedent

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Q: A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called what?
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Court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called?

Stare Decisis

What Decision made by judge in the various courts and used as a guide for future decisions are called what?

The decisions are called precedents. Precedents are used as a guide by future court cases with similar fact patterns.

What are prior court decisions?

They are called "precedents of law" and affect how similar present or future cases are decided.

Decisions made by judges in the various courts and used as a guide for future decisions are called what?

They are called precedents. If the decision was made by a court with jurisdiction over a lower court, they are called binding precedents because the lower court is required to apply the same reasoning in similar cases under the doctrine of stare decisis.

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They are called Secondary Offering.

Are judges decisions called proclamations?

It depends upon the country. In the US, they are called decisions, judgments, or opinions.

Is a spore bearing plant?

Reproductive structures of spore-bearing plant is called sporangia.