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Mexican Revolution

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Q: A foreign revolutionary in the 1920's?
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What does Sandinista mean in English?

"Sandinista" refers to a follower or member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a socialist political party in Nicaragua. The name comes from Augusto César Sandino, a revolutionary leader who fought against foreign intervention in Nicaragua in the 1920s and 1930s.

What role did foreign countries play in the revolutionary war?

need help

During the 1920s americans were producing and selling products at Laura crosses then there foreign competitors?

During the 1920s, Americans were producing and selling products at Laura crosses then there foreign competitors started to introduce fictitious female consultant which increased the pressure in the business.

During the 1920s Americans were producing and selling products at lower costs then their foreign competitors?


Why did diplomacy play such a key role in the American Revolutionary War?

In hopes of gaining foreign allies and support for the revolutionary cause.Now go away u bumb hahaha.

What challenges did weimar republic democracy face in 1920s and 1930s?

revolutionary and authoritarian regimes and resistance to european Imperialism, interanl political in european.;

What political and economic challenges did the leading democracies face in the 1920s and 1930s?

revolutionary and authoritarian regimes and resistance to european imperialism, interanl political in european.;

What political and economic challenges did leading democracies face in the 1920s and 1930s?

revolutionary and authoritarian regimes and resistance to european Imperialism, interanl political in european.;

What political and economic challenge did the leading democracies face in the 1920s and 1930s?

revolutionary and authoritarian regimes and resistance to european Imperialism, interanl political in european.;

When did the revolutionary turmoil in France cause the us president to urge Americans to stay out of foreign quarrels?