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could if he is IBi

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Q: A man of blood group B is being sued by a woman of blood group A for paternity. The womans child is blood group O Can this man be the father of this child?
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Can the father's blood type be A mother B can the child be type O?

No If the babies Father is blood type A then the baby will be Blood type A if the father is Blood type O then the baby will be blood type O If the father does not know what blood type he is and you are blood type O then the nurse,midwife and doctor will treat you with Anti-D which helps prevent future babies being affected by your bloodMY VIEWIt IS possible that a father of blood type AO and the mother of blood type of O or BO can give rise to the child of blood type O.

Can a child have A negative blood type if the mom is o positive and dad is a positive?

Yes, if the child inherited the A blood type from the father and the Rh positive blood type from the mother.The mother has neither A nor B blood type genes and at least one Rh positive gene (possibly one Rh negative gene).The father has at least one A blood type gene (no B blood type gene) and two Rh negative genes.The possibilities for the child's blood type are:O negative (not possible if father has two A blood type genes or mother has two Rh positive genes)O positive (not possible if father has two A blood type genes)A negative (not possible if mother has two Rh positive genes)A positive (always a possibility with these parents)

What blood type will my daughter's father have if the mother is O plus your daughter is A plus what blood type will her father be?

The father's blood type would have to be A. This is because O is a recessive blood type and needs two O's to produce a child with and O blood type. So if the daughter is an A blood type so must her biological father's.

If a mother has O negative blood and her child has A positive blood what type of blood should the father have?

The blood would be A+, the child's is always pretty much what the Father's is.

If a woman whose blood type is O- gives birth to a child whose blood type is A- what blood type's would the father need to have?

The father's blood type would have to be A or AB, and most likely negative.

Related questions

Can you tell paternity by blood type?

You can not tell paternity by blood type. You can rule out paternity by blood type. For example, if both parents are O negative and the baby is type A positive, you can rule out paternity. The only way to determine paternity is by a DNA test. A few of the baby's hairs and the father's hairs can be sent to a lab. The lab can determine paternity.

What is the role of blood typing in paternity testing?

To determine whether or not the alleged father could be the true father, the blood types of the child, mother, and alleged father are compared.

What can change the results of a blood test?

I did a dna paternity test with a man that i thought was my father, i got the results and he was not my father my question is that if he had a bone marrow transplant will that change his blood type?

How soon in pregnancy can you determine paternity?

You can have a simple swab test done on the baby and the potential father(s). They do it on the inside of the mouth so no blood test is needed. Speak to your doctor or tell them at the hospital before you go home (if the father is there). If he refuses you can get a court order for a test to be taken.

Can blood test prove paternity?

Yes, a blood test can be used to determine paternity with a high level of accuracy. The test compares genetic markers found in the child's blood sample with those from the potential father to establish a biological relationship. This type of test is commonly known as a DNA paternity test.

Is he really my father if his blood type is o positive and my mother is o positive and my blood type is b positive?

Blood typing is not a reliable method to determine paternity. If you must know, do DNA testing.

Did Jesus have Mary's blood?

No, He had the blood of His Father. From the medical side: blood is from the male sperm. The womans egg carries no blood, the blood comes from the fathers side. to do a paternity test the DNA is taken from the man. Also from the spiritual side, if the blood would have been from MAry then the sinful nature of man would have been passed into the DNA of Jesus and He was the perfect sinless being in order to take the sinfulness of man and deliver mankind from sin, so it could not have been the blood of Mary. Also refer to Acts 20:28 KJV declares it was the Blood of God that He purchased us with. I hope this helps and that you too will find the way of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Before DNA test how was paternity tested?

Blood DNA paternity testing involves retrieving a blood sample from the alleged father, and child. The sample is obtained by pricking the finger and placing the blood droplet on a collection card. The card is sent away for analysis and results are returned in five to seven days!

Paternity while pregnant?

Absolutely! Its called a prenatal paternity test and it can be conducted after 8 weeks of pregnancy! This test can be done with the mother of the child and potential father of the child. This test is done with a simple blood test with the mother and a buccal test (cheek swab) with the potential father. Results are returned in 7 days from your lab. So, it is indeed possible to get a paternity test while you are pregnant.

How can paternity testing be determined using blood types?

A child inherits factors or genes from each parent that determine his or her blood type. This fact makes blood typing useful in paternity testing. The blood types of the child, mother, and alleged father are compared to determine paternity.

How can paternity be proven with blood cells?

Contained within the blood are the genetic DNA "markers". They can be multiplied by PCR in hours and compared against the baseline to determine paternity. DNA is used as it has greater stability than RNA, both can be derived and determined by viable blood cells to determine paternity.

What is the best and most accurate paternity test?

DNA paternity tests are given with an accuracy. If that accuracy says 100%, then the test is 100% reliable. If the accuracy says 0%, then it means that there is no chance to two people are related.