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Asking is a great way to learn because you are asking for information directly.

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Q: A method of learning by asking questions is called what?
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The process of learning through asking and answering questions is called?

The process of learning through asking and answering questions is called the Socratic method. This method involves using questions to stimulate critical thinking, drawing out ideas and probing assumptions to arrive at deeper understanding.

Who wrote the socratic method?

The Socratic method is a method of learning and teaching through asking questions that is named after Socrates, who is attributed with its creation. In the writings of Plato, Socrates is featured using the Socratic method in his dialogues.

What teaching method was developed to draw information out of a student by asking questions?

This was the method used by Socrates, so it is called Socratic.

What is a teaching method developed to draw information out of a student by asking questions?

The teaching method developed to draw information out of a student by asking questions is called the Socratic method. This method is based on a series of questions and answers between the teacher and students to stimulate critical thinking and promote deeper understanding of the topic being discussed.

What method did Socrates teach?

he used the method of asking questions

What method did Socrates use?

he used the method of asking questions

How did Socrates teach and what is this method called?

He taught his students how to think for themselves by arguing through problems they posed.This is a Dialectical method, which can be called the method of maieutics.

One method for learning about self is?

Ask questions! :)

What philosipher taught his students by asking them questions?

The Greek philosopher that taught by asking questions is Socrates. He taught the Socratic Method.

What method where a researcher asking a series of questions about the topic under study?

an interview method or a survey method

What was the old teaching method?

Socratic- asking questions to teach

What famous teacher taught by asking questions?

Answer: Socrates. Called the "Socratic Method" this is a very effective way of learning. Instead of listening to lectures (where daydreaming often peaks) the student is asked questions to which he/she must respond. This not only requires preparation, but listening and thinking. This is why this method is so popular in Law Schools. A good trial lawyer, must be prepared, listen and think in order to ask appropriate follow up questions. When learning this way, (especially if you are the one in the hot seat) answers come from within, not externally as in lectures.