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Store food and nutrients

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Q: A plant cell's vacuole functions to provide support for the cell and to?
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What organelles is composed of the sugar cellulose and functions to give plant cells support?

The plant cell wall is made of cellulose and functions in the support of plant cells.

What is the purpose of the vacuole?

Vacuoles are the organelles in a cell that store mainly water, but they can also store things like carbohydrates and sodium too.

What orgenelle provides support for plant cells?

the vacuole

What is collenchyma what is its functions?

Collenchyma's cell walls are very thick by pectic substances. They are shaped like hexagons. They have a large vacuole in the center. When the cells die they become sclerenchyma. Then the vacuole becomes an empty thing called a lumen & the cell wall becomes lignified. It's found in plant stems, leaves & flowers.

What stores water and dissolved materials in plant cells?

A vacuole stores water and help support the cell

What is a secretory vacuole?

A secretory vacuole is an organelle that is found in fungal and plant cells. Secretory vacuoles perform many different functions.

Which statement describes how a plant cells functions would change in the absence of a vacuole?


Which cell structure functions as a storage cell for the cell?

a vacuole in plant cells and glycogen granules in eukaryotic cells

What provide rigidity in plant cells?

The cell wall and the vacuole. When not supplied enough water, the vacuole will shrivel up, causing a plant to wilt.

Do fat cells have Vacuole?

yes fat cells have vacuole

What does a vacuole do for a cell?

Functions and significance of vacuole varies according to the type of cells in which they are present. Vacuoles have greater prominence in the cells of plants and fungi than those of animals and bacteria. The functions of vacuole in general: 1) it isolates material which are harmful to the cell. 2) Maintains internal acidic Ph. 3) Exports unwanted substances from the cell. 4) Maintains internal hydrostatic pressure with in the cell. 5) It allows to support structures such as flowers due to the pressure of the central vacuole.

What is used to provide support for cells in multicelled organisms plants?

What is used to provide support in plants for cells in multicelled organisms