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Electromagnetic radiation, such as light, infra-red, UV, X rays.

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Q: A wave that can travel through empty space?
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A wave that can travel through empty space or through matter?

It is an electromagnetic wave.

What kind of wave is able to travel through both matter and empty space?

A type of wave that can travel through empty space as well as through matter is electromagnetic wave. Light travels fastest in empty spaces.

Why an electromagnetic wave can travel through empty space?

Because space is not empty, it has a Quantum Ether.

Which type of wave can travel through empty space by electromagnetic waves?

Light, a combination of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

Why does an electromagnetic wave in space never slow down?

In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.

A wave that can travel through empty space is?

You could have Gamma, ultra violate, infrared and radio

Light is one type of wave that can travel through empty space to transfer?

yes, electomagnetic

Why can radio waves travel through space but sound waves can not?

Radio waves travel through empty space because they are electromagnetic waves, whereas sound is a wave that must travel through air.

Consists of changing electric and magnetic fields and can travel through empty space and matter?

an Electromagnetic Wave

What wave cannot travel through empty space?

Any wave that requires a physical medium. Audio (sound pressure) waves, water waves, and "amber waves of grain" are all examples of waves that cannot travel through the vacuum of space.

Name one kind of wave that does not require a medium?

An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.

A wave that can travel only through matter?

A wave that can travel only through matter is termed mechanical wave.