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3.8% of Canadians are registerd as First Antion people, but signicantly more have some native ancestry but are not registered.

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Q: Aboriginal people make up what percentage of canada' s population?
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Which group of aboriginal people has the largest population in Canada?

First Nations

What percent of the world is aboriginal Australian?

The percentage of people who identify themselves as white or Caucasian in Australia is 92 percent. The Asian population in Australia is 7 percent.

Which game was invented by the Aboriginal people of Canada?

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i no tell you

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Make a sentence for the word aboriginal?

The aboriginal people of Australia have a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years.

What are the north Canada's people called?

All of the aboriginal people of Canada are referred to as First Nations peoples. Northern aboriginal people are known as Inuit. Canada's north is split into 3 territories (like provinces or states) people are also referred to by which territory they reside in.

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It is estimated that about 700 000 American citizens live in Canada. This would account for about 2% of Canada's population.

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