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North west: Indian people is the main group. in fact, there is no group making up more than half of the population there since the total percentage of aborigional people there is 50%. Nunavut(North east). Inuit people is the largest group, the amount of them is 22,432, 85% of the total population there

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The group of aboriginal peoples are the Inuit.

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Q: What aboriginal people make up half the population of Nunavut?
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Which group of aboriginal people make up more than half of the population of nunavut?

The Inuit make up over 80% of Nunavut's population.

What group of aboriginal people make up more than half of the population in Northwest Territories and Nunavut?

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Witch group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of north west territories and Nunavut?

I'm pretty sure it's the Inuits.

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The Inuit people

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July 9, 1993, the Canadian Parliament passed the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act. April 1, 1999 Nunavut officially split from the Northwest Territories and became a Canadain territory. The western half staying as the Northwest Territories and the eastern half becoming Nunavut. July 9th every year is Nunavut day in Canada.

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