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Canada ball

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Q: Which game was invented by the Aboriginal people of Canada?
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Why Hockey Symbolized Canada?

Because the first game was invented in Canada.

In what country was the game Trivial Pursuit invented?

The game was created in 1979 by Scott Abbott and Chris Haney of Ontario, CANADA.

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Rounders is a game that was invented by two people called William Clarke and John Newbery. The game was invented in 1828 in London.

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The game of lacroose was invented by thered Indians of the U.S.A. It is mainly played in Canada and the U.S.A.

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Upwaords board game was invented by Elliot Rudell and published by Milton Bradley Company. Upwords also known as Scrabble Upwords in the United States and Canada.

When did people invented game?

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What are First nation contributions?

The contributions of the First Nations include canoes, the dart game, petroleum jelly, chewing gum, and cough syrup. The First Nations constitute the aboriginal peoples in Canada.

Why was the NES invented?

It was invented so people, mainly children, would be entertained by a new video game console.

What group of people first invented soccer?

Versions of the game have been played for centuries, but the modern game as we know it today was invented in England in the late 1800's.

When did basketball start in canada?

It was actually invented Springfield, Massachusetts.

Why did people play tennis?

It was a newly invented game that seemed very neat.

Why is hockey Canadian?

Because it was invented in Canada and per capita more Canadians play the game and follow it than in any other country.