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No, they are not.

They are all prophets of God.

Adam was the first one.

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Q: Adam is before Abraham noah is before Abraham can they are god?
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What did God do before there were Jews?

There were righteous people before that too: Adam, Methusaleh, Noah, Shem and Eber were all before Abraham and were very righteous.

When does God flood the earth after Isaac?

The flood and time of Noah was several generations before Abraham and Isaac. Geneology from Adam can be seen in Luke 3.

What was the religion of prophet M uhammad?

He was Muslim as all God prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Who emphasized the importance of the individual and the belief in one god?

All God prophets since Adam, through Noah, Abraham, ..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad(Peace be upon them)

Which came first Adam and Eve or noah?

Adam and Eve were first. They were the first people God created. Noah was a decendant of Adam and Eve.

Was Noah older than Abraham?

Wel,l Noah was old just because he was old. He wasn't purposely made that way. We all age. God probably picked Noah to build the Ark because he was old and wise. Remember, old people aren't as boring as you think. Listen to their stories.

Did God cleanse the world of all Children of Adam to populate the world with the children of Noah?

The children of Noah were descendants of Adam. Only Noah and his children survived, and so repopulated the earth.

Who were the first people to be monotheistic?

The Jews, beginning with their forefather Abraham. (Though there were early examples of monotheists such as Adam, Noah, Shem and Eber, they are not considered since their influence died out. It was Abraham, not they, who made the supreme effort and was for that reason given God's covenant.)

Did Noah exist before Abraham?

Each excelled in different areas. Abraham was the greatest spiritual pioneer of all time: he grew up amidst universal idolatry and singlehandedly raised up a family and disciples who served the One God. The Torah (Genesis ch.15, ch.17) describes how God recognized Abraham's righteousness, but that did not happen until Abraham had been serving God for several decades. Moses was the greatest of all prophets (Numbers ch.12, Deuteronomy ch.34), including even Abraham.

Does God accept any kind of religion?

God accepts are religions that calling for worshiping him as the one and only one God. God doesn't accept to be worshiped with a partner. Calling for the oneness of God is the basic doctrine of all God prophets from Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

Did Lot leave sodom with Noah in the bible?

No read your bible. Noah and the flood was hundreds of years earlier. It was Abraham who talks with God in Genesis 18. In Genesis 19 Lot is warned by two angels after Abraham intercedes for him with God.

Whom did God make the second Covenant with?

Depends upon how you view the first covenant. If the first covenant was with Adam and Eve, then the second covenant was with Noah (Genesis 6:18). If the first true convenant was with Noah, then the second covenant was with Abraham. (Genesis 15:18)