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gain voting right for the newly freed slaves

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Q: After the Civil War a major goal of the Radical Republicans in Congress was to?
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What was A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans?

One major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and Radical Republicans is that Lincoln wanted to restore the United States by uniting North and South after the Civil War. Radical Republicans wanted to keep the South and North separate.

What are the major goals of the radical republicans?

the had work to do

Why did the Republican Congress disagree with President Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan?

A major area of disagreement between Abraham Lincoln and the Radical Republicans was that Lincoln wanted to forgive and reintegrate the South back into the Union as painlessly and smoothly as possible while restricting the rights of freed slaves, whereas the Radical Republicans wanted to punish the South as harshly as possible and grant full citizenship rights to freed slaves. After Lincoln's assassination, the Radical Republicans went on to pass a string of laws that would grant voting rights to freedmen, restrict any whites associated with the Confederacy from holding public office, create the South's first public school system, and provide charitable institutions like hospitals and asylums.

What was the major issues in the era of republicans in 1860-1932?

slavery, decentralized government, and everts leading up to the civil war

Why didnt the south receive sympathetic treatment in reconstruction?

The South didn't receive sympathetic treatment because the Radical Republicans gained power in Congress, thus giving them the power to override President Johnson's vetoes. The Radical Republicans wanted to make the Reconstruction process slow so that major social and economic changes could be made. They were supportive of black's rights and they wanted to make sure the whites in the South accepted the 14th Amendment and the freedom of the blacks.

What was the major difference between georgias first and second provincial congress?

The major difference between Georgia's first and second provincial congress was the shift in sentiment towards independence from Great Britain. The first congress was more moderate, seeking reconciliation with the British Crown, while the second congress was more radical and endorsed independence.

What major piece of reconstruction legislation did congress pass in February 1869 that the republicans believed would enable African Americans to protect themselves?

not part

What was the role of congress in reconstruction and how did it help the freedmen?

There are an overwhelming number of tasks the national legislature is given. There are primary and secondary responsibilities of congress. Primary responsibilities are those performed on a continual basis. Some of these include lawmaking or enacting laws addressing major problem, and representation which involves the extent to which elected office holders are responsive to the wants and needs of ordinary citizens. Secondary responsibility are handled on a more sporadic basis and involve impeachment, seating and disciplining members, selecting leaders for the executive branch, as well as other policy responsibilities. The role of Congress is two-fold: Representation and Lawmaking. Representing their constituency and being responsive to their wants and needs goes hand in hand with the responsibility of informing and educating the public. The other prong of congressional duty is to pass laws according to popular sovereignty and majority rule, and then oversee their administration. This would be summed up as "policy responsiveness".

Why do you think both Lincoln and the Radical Republicans excluded former confederate officer from their reconstruction plans?

Answer 1because they disagreed with the confederate officers and so Lincoln & radical republicans compromise and work together.Answer 2There were two main reasons.Firstly, the former Confederate Officers were men that had just finished committing treason against the Government of the United States. It would not make sense to give them immediate clemency.Secondly, losing the war did not change their opinions on major issues such as Slavery, State Nullification, and several other issues. In order to create a viable Reconstruction program to implement the changes that the nation needed, Lincoln and the Radical Republicans needed to keep the former Confederates out.

What did the 1856 election reveal about the democrats and the republicans?

Slavery was the major issue in the 1856 election. Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan endorsed popular sovereignty giving the power to determine the legality of slavery to the inhabitants of the territory seeking statehood, rather than to Congress. The Republican Party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories. Buchanan warned that if the Republicans won the election, their anti-slavery position would lead to civil war.

What are two major political parties in the US and Georgia?

federalists and the democratic-republicans

What are the two major demands that came out of continental congress?

1.) Restore civil rights and raise a militia2.) Boycott all British goods