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Q: America should have been named after Amerigo Vespucci Explain.?
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Amerigo Vespucci timeline?

You should go to if you want to know

How did you become America?

According to "The term America, for the lands of the western hemisphere, was coined in the early sixteenth century after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer and cartographer." It should be better

Why was Amerigo Vespucci named the pickle dealer?

Because of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson wrote in his book English Traits, and I quote, "Strange, that the New World should have no better luck,-that broad America must wear the name of a thief. Amerigo Vespucci, the pickle-dealer at Seville".

What did Amerigo Vespucci explore?

He explored the coast of Venezuela, but wrote in his book he "discovered" North America. In 1839 the English Explorers Society proved he lied in his book. ----- I never knew that. I looked it up. I still don't know it. Amerigo Vespucci explored the coast of South America while sailing for the King of Portugal. He could see the land was much bigger than what Ptolemy thought it should be and was not India or China, so he wrote a letter to d'Medici saying it must be a previously unknown continent.

Why did christopher Columbus name America America?

Christopher Columbus named America after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian map maker who showed Columbus that the lands discovered by him (Christopher Columbus) were actually separate lands, not an extension of the Spice Islands and part of Asia as Columbus believed. Christopher Columbus did not name America after Amerigo Vespucci. That was done by a German cartographer/mapmaker named Martin Waldseemüller in 1507. Waldseemüller was mislead by a book apparently written by Matthias Ringmann, which was based on a letter said to have been written by Vespucci, but which has proved to be a fake. Waldseemüller later produced other maps without the name America on them, but in 1538 Gerardus Mercator applied the name to the entire New World in his maps, and this was accepted, even though Spain did not recognize the name for over 200 years, stating that Columbus should get the credit.

Who or what did Amerigo found?

If by Amerigo you mean Amerigo Vespucci? Well, he founded nothing. He affirmed that America was not part of Asia, contrary to the common belief back then. He was an Italian charlatan/cartographer/merchant who managed to convince Europe that he was great and charted the newly-discovered lands to the West. He never actually stole credit form anyone, it was a combined effort with Christopher Columbus, due to proven letters sent and received from both Columbus and Vespucci. So then you really think that both men should receive equal credit.

Was America was named for Amerigo Vespucci?

WRONG ANSWER BELOW **********the reason why north America is named after him is that the map makers believed his book where he wrote he found north America, so they named it after him. He lied and this has been proven.

Was Amerigo Vespucci rich or poor?

He was not poor. He lived with a very rich family no he lived with a very rich family!

What was Amerigo vespucci claim to fame?

Vespucci really wasn't that significant in history, but a map maker read his book and believed his claim about finding North America. He over stated his explorations in his book. The London map society in the 1800's proved he only landed in South America. Yet, the map maker in the 1500's named North America after Vespucci.

What Columbus found?

Christopher Columbus found Hispaniola south of what is now the U.S. which later led to the discovery of the U.S. by Amerigo Vespucci. "America" is named after "Amerigo", though it is miss leading when people say Columbus found America if you consider America as the continent, North America, or the country The United States of America. It is still disputed over who should get more credit when the U.S.A. recognizes Columbus Day.

How did give the name for America?

From the explorer Amerigo VesspucciEDIT: Actually I believe the answer given is incorrect. It's most likely Richard Ameryk. Reason;Richard Ameryk. Probably meaning "son of Morris": ap Meurig. Not everyone believes this theory, but it is quite convincing. One of the reasons it's not convincing that it was Amerigo Vespucci is that countries were never named after somebody's Christian name, unless they were royal, like Prince Edward Island or Victoria or something. But otherwise, it's Cook Islands etc.So it should be Vespuccia, if it were to be named after him. John Cabot, who was the first European to set foot on . . . on what we now consider mainland United States, was commissioned by this man Ameryk, who probably had his name on the map, and it would have been known as Ameryk's Land, and then America.This is perhaps the most convincing theory and possibly the correct one also.WRONG. The Ameryk theory has been totally discarded by recognized historians for years now. First of all, John Cabot's real name was Giovanni Caboto. Secondly, the assertion that exclusive or even majority funding came from Ameryk is also erroneous. (Note: See Wikipedia - "Dr Alwyn Ruddock claimed to have found evidence that Cabot actually went first to London and received backing from the Italian community there. In particular, she suggested he found a patron in the form of Fr. Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis, an Augustinian friar who was also the deputy to the papal tax collector Adriano Castellesi."It is most likely that Caboto/Cabot viewed or received maps from these same sources. Maps prepared by Vespuccia.(NOTE SEE Wikipedia) "Ruddock suggested that it was Carbonariis, who certainly accompanied Cabot's 1498 expedition and who was on good terms with the King, who introduced the explorer to Henry VII. Beyond this, Ruddock claimed that Cabot received a loan from an Italian banking house in London 'to go and discover new lands'. Determining the basis of Ruddock's claims is difficult, since she ordered the destruction of all her research notes on her death in 2005.[20] However, since that time, researchers on what has now become The Cabot Project , have been engaged in a hunt to relocate her evidence. On the matter of Cabot's sponsorship, Dr Evan Jones (University of Bristol) reported to the Canadian press in October 2010 that Dr Francesco Guidi Bruscoli (University of Florence), had now found the ledger which contains the loan made to Cabot in 1496.[21] The sum involved was significant, albeit not enough to have completely financed even a single expedition.On 5 March 1496 King Henry VII of England gave Cabot letters patent with the following authority, faculty and power to sail to all parts, regions and coasts of the eastern, western and northern sea, under our banners, flags and ensigns, with five ships or vessels of whatsoever burden and quality they may be, and with so many and with such mariners and men as they may wish to take with them in the said ships, at their own proper costs and charges, to find, discover and investigate whatsoever islands, countries, regions or provinces of heathens and infidels, in whatsoever part of the world placed, which before this time were unknown to all Christians."SORRY, THE AMERYK THEORY JUST DOESN'T FLOAT.

What impact did john Cabot have on later explorers?

John cabot had a huge impact especially on amerigo Vespucci...because of him, and Christopher Columbus, he went out searching for this so called asia and discovered they had made a mistake and that they indeed had discovered a new never before claimed land.............................................PEACE you guys should totally watch Isekc on you tube he is toats hilair