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Cytoplasmic Streaming

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Q: Amoebas move by means of a process known as what?
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Amoebas move and surround prey with pseudopodia otherwise known as?

Psuedopodia can be called a "false foot".

Amoeba move by using?

Amoebas move through the use of pseudopods. These are false feet that the amoebas change shape to create, use to move, and then reabsorb.

How do ameobas move?

Amoebas move by extending their pseudopods or false feet. This is how amoebas get around to find shelter, food and explore different locations.

What amoebas use to move?

They use psuedopods

How do amoebas move in easy words?


What organisms use pseudopods for feeding and movement?

Amoebas move by means of pseudopodia, or the sarcodine protozoa. This characteristic movement involves the extrusion of the cytoplasm for movement or for feeding by engulfing food.

What pushes amoeba and means false feet?

Amoebas have false feet or pseudopods to help the amoeba move. Amoebas uses their "false feet" to capture food and to find shelter.

Is Amoeba a nonliving?

amoebas are alive and able to move and eat

Definition of protozoa?

Any of a large group of one-celled organisms (called protists) that live in water or as parasites. Many protozoans move about by means of appendages known as cilia or flagella. Protozoans include the amoebas, flagellates, foraminiferans, and ciliates.

Can move like amoebas and reproduce like fungi?

slime mold

What does amoebas use to move around?

pseudopodia (false feet) in Latin

Are amoeba protists?

Yes, amoebas are considered protists. They are single-celled organisms belonging to the kingdom Protista. Amoebas are known for their ability to change their shape and move through extension of cytoplasmic projections called pseudopodia. They are commonly found in freshwater and marine habitats.