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Pershphone and Demeter:Hades kidnapping Persphone becase of ner beauty.

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Q: Ancient Greeks myth about spring
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Who believes in Greek myth?

the ancient Greeks

The ancient Greeks had a myth explaining spring and what were the names of the characters?


Are Mermaids a myth to Hawaii?

The mermaid myth was created by the ancient Celts and Greeks.

What is one myth or legend that helped the ancient Greeks explain the unexplainable?

the trojan horse myth

What is a Greek goddess?

A Greek goddess is a myth of a female God, believed in by the Ancient Greeks.

How did the ancient Greeks get their water?

they got there water from wells then they had spring water

What was the relationship between the ancient Greeks and their gods according to myth?

According to myth the humans were created by the God Prometheus out of mud and water

What do you man Hephaestus isn't real?

Hephaestus is the creation of Greek myth, which is the religion of ancient Greeks.

Why do ancient Greeks think the Trojan war is a popular myth?

The story of the war (having actually taken place or not) was a glorious thing for the Greeks.

What is the ancient myth associated with the rhinoceros?

Rhinos were the inspiration of ancient Greeks mythology. Historians believe this to be true based on the ancient findings of rhino bones.

What were ancient Greeks known as?

Greeks are now known as myth believers (horrible-bad-untrue-lied lie beleivers.) Back then they thought myths were real.

Would Athena git mad at the ancient Greeks?

Yes. Multiple times in greek myths Athena became angry with the greeks. That is the reason of the myth "Pandora's box"