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Q: Antibodies target and attack specific what?
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How are B-cells involved in your specific defence?

B-cells produces antibodies that target specific pathogens so t-cells can then recognize it and consume it.

Do antibodies attack extracellular or intracellular antigens?

Antibodies can attack both extracellular and intracellular antigens.

Which describes a random act of violence?

An attack in which the assailant does not Target specific people

Which of the following initiates an attack against a specific antigen or pathogen?

Plasma Cell initiate attacks against specific antigens. Plasma cells are B cells bearing specific antibodies for binding to a specific antigen.

What is the link between childhood episodes of strep throat and the development of OCD?

in some vulnerable children, strep antibodies attack a certain part of the brain. Antibodies are cells that the body produces to fight specific diseases. That attack results in the development of excessive washing or germ phobias

What is the difference between abzyme and enzyme?

enzyme is a kind of protein that catalyzes specific reactions & abzymes are antibodies that target the transition state of an expected reaction.

What characterises a DDOS attack?

A DDoS attack is characterized by multiple machines spamming specific packets to a target machine with the intent of overloading the target machine so it is unable to service other connecting clients.

What do antibodies do for fungal toxins in a cell?

they attack it

Antibodies can stick to?

Antibodies stick to any viruses or infections. They don't attack, but they are like homing devices. They track the diseases so white blood cells (the attackers) know where the diseases are.

What can lymphocytes do?

lymphocytes help provide a specific response to attack the invading organisms, make antibodies and help protect the body against diseases and fight infections:D

Difference between Targeted attack and Target-of-opportunity Attack?

In targeted attacks, only specific IP or particular firms are targeted while in target of opportunity attacks, an attacker sends attack packets randomly to firms and see where those packets can cause of destruction.

What are the Proteins called attack viruses and toxins?
