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African dwarf frogs do not live in saltwater.

They are fully aquatic frogs however they will breathe from the surface and can often be seen swimming up to the top of the tank and then 'zoom' back to the bottom of the tank.

They require a temp of 24 - 26 oc and Tank lights should be on for a maximum of 12 hours a day as they are cyclical animals and need regular periods of 'night' and 'day'.

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Q: Are African dwarf frogs kept in salt water?
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Related questions

What temperature do African Dwarf frogs have to be kept at?

A temperature of between 70F and 80F is ideal for African dwarf frogs.

What are African dwarf frogs used for?

they,re typically kept as pets

Can guppies and dwarf frogs live in the same tank?

Yes, no problem, just do not overstock the tank.

Can tilapia fish survive with frogs in same pond?

African Dwarf Frogs can be kept with smaller, peaceful tropical community fish. African Clawed Frogs, however, grow very large and will likely eat any fish they are kept with.

Can darwf frogs be kept out of water?

African Dwarf frogs are 100% aquatic and need the water to live. They should be kept in an aquarium with a good lid otherwise they'd escape and most likely die. They do however swim up to the top of the tank for air occasionally.. so it's also best to make sure they aren't in too tall of a tank.

I have 5 goldfish and a dojo loach in a 40 gallon tank and you were wondering if you can add 2 African dwarf frogs?

Your tank is already overstocked. Putting the frogs in there will eventually kill the fish. (and the frogs won't last long either). Frogs are amphibians and piddle and poo in the water making it poisonous for fish. Frogs should be kept in a vivarium where the habitat is part dry and part wet.

What aquarium frog can be kept in a 5 gallon tank with fish?

The African dwarf frog can indeed live with fish in a five gallon aquarium. BUT BEWARE!!! dwarf frogs may eat your fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. so i recommend Platy and live-bearers as companions.

Can you keep a certain type of frog in with Bettas?

In larger (10+ gallon) well furnished tanks, some people have successfully kept African Dwarf Frogs with bettas. These very small frogs grow no larger than the fish. However, great care must be taken to ensure that both the betta and the frogs are appropriately fed. Also, some bettas will bully the frogs and are not appropriate tankmates. If you do want to attempt a betta/frogs setup, make sure your frogs are African Dwarf Frogs and not African Clawed Frogs; the much larger and more aggressive African Clawed Frog will probably eat your betta.

Do frogs like cold or warm water?

It completely depends on what frogs you're talking about. Common frogs (the kind you find in your garden pond) are coldwater frogs but most other aquarium frogs (especially fully aquatic ones) prefer warmer water. African dwarf frogs have been noted as warm water lovers but others have kept them in coldwater tanks quite happily. Toads generally are better off cool and moist and tropical tree frogs prefer things humid (i.e. warm and moist). Do some research on the species as that's the only way you'll know! cold.

Can an African dwarf frog be with guppies?

NO! Frogs poison the water with their poo and piddle. The fish can not live in that stuff. Frogs (and all Amphibians ) should be housed in a Vivarium not an Aquarium. The rules for keeping fish are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water but more is better. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.Follow the rules and you stand a chance of keeping fish successfully. Miss out on any of them, and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems. This is not correct. African dwarf frogs emit very little waste. They are very small and can live peacefully with tetras and snails absolutely.

Out of 2 African dwarf frogs 2 shrimp and 2 apple snails What would you be able to keep in a 5 gallon tank?

Frogs are amphibians and should be kept in a Vivarium. This is a set up which is part water and part land with a sunbaking spot for the animal to warm up and relax in. You need to decide if you wish to keep aquatic animals or amphibians. You will not succeed in keeping both in one container because they need totally different conditions.

What fish should you put in a tank with African dwarf frogs?

NONE. Fish should not be kept with frogs. Frogs should be housed in a vivarium (part wet and part dry). Fish should be housed in an aquarium (All water) Frogs will poison the water for the fish. I hope you know the basic rules of fish keeping. The basic rules of fish keeping state :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank need at least 50% of its water changed every week.. Follow those rules and your fish stand a chance of survival. Fail to follow those rules and I can guarantee failure. EDIT: The above is true only for certain species. Also, DO NOT change your water 50% every week, this will ruin the nitrogen cycle of your tank. African dwarf frogs are aquatic species, not terrestrial. Any gentle tropical community fish (guppies, mollies, etc) and bettas as well (males are only aggressive to their own kind or fish that look like their own kind, and females are docile. You just need to make sure the water is kept at perfectly clean as they do still breathe through their skin, and make sure the tank isn't a "high" design.