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Yes, except that they are in Spanish.

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Q: Are Catholic Masses in Mexico celebrated the same as in the US?
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A Catholic annulment is the same in any jurisdiction.

Why are Catholic marriages celebrated in a Catholic church?

For the same reason Jewish marriages are celebrated in a synagogue and Muslim marriages are celebrated in a mosque. Marriage, when celebrated as a sacred rite or ritual, is celebrated within the religion of the celebrants and participants.

Who is Mexico's god?

The same as most Christian and/or Catholic countries.

When is the day of the donkey celebrated in Mexico?

Same day the mule day is celebrated in the US (i.e: it doesn't exist).

Does Mexico have a new years?

Yes, it is celebrated in much the same way as it is in the rest of the world.

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as far as i known everyone celebrates Christmas the same way no madder who they are

Are there any Spanish holidays in Spanish speaking countries?

National holidays are unique to a nation so Spanish National holidays would not be celebrated in other countries. Spain has a strong Roman Catholic history and celebrates many Roman Catholic holidays. Roman Catholic holidays are celebrated according to the ecclesiastical calender of the Church of Rome so they are celebrated the same day all over the world. Other Spanish speaking countries will celebrate these religious holidays the same day as they are celebrated in Spain. If they are a national holiday in Spain that is a coincidence, and a reflection of the Spanish Catholic faith.

How was the passion death and resurrection of Jesus originally celebrated?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe same way that it is now, in the Most Holy Eucharist.

How can two objectes with different masses execute the same force?

If the weight of both masses are the same.

What are some similarities and differences between Catholic customs in Mexico and the United States?

The Catholic institution is more or less the same on all countries it is practiced, with very small, unnoticeable differences.

Can the masses be neglected if the masses are equal?

Yes. If the masses are the same, then it can be considered as a constant and thus neglected.

Why is Independence Day so important to Mexico?

The same reason 4th of July is celebrated in the United States: it marks the beginning of the fight for independence and self-determination by the people on that country; in the case of Mexico, against Spain.