

Are Mexicans also blessed in 'God Bless America'?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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God Bless America is referring to the United States of America in specific. If you'd like to bless the Mexicans, say God Bless Mexico :)

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Q: Are Mexicans also blessed in 'God Bless America'?
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Are Mexicans also blessed in?

Well that is like saying are asians blessed, or are Arabs bless..or saying god bless Arabs in the united states or bless the person who just said that that is such a stupid answer. Yes i am Mexican and i was born here so i guess that will go for me wouldent you think so? what type of question is if i lived in Mexico it wouldent matter...

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In the King James version the word - bless - appears 44 times in the Book of Psalms Other forms of the word also appear - such as - blessed.

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The 2011 movie "God Bless America" is a dark comedy film and can be purchased on DVD. It is also available through the iTunes store for purchase and download.

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"What brought the Mexicans to America?" I am trying very hard to remain calm and composed... Mexicans where NOT "brought" to America... They were a indigineous people to North, Central and part of South America; they were called "Mexicas" also known as "Aztecs". They had a mighty empire that spanned most of the Americas until the Spaniards arrived and were conquered by them... ALL Empires have a beginning and an end. The United States of America has been considered an Empire by some and it will too have an end... The question is not whether it will fall; it is when will it fall? And will it fall because of external forces or internal?

What are the push and pull factors from Mexican?

do you mean from Mexicans or Mexico? Mexico has a very poor economy and rampant crime. this would push Mexicans further north to America. the push factor America has a high standard of living and a large average wage compared to Mexico. America also has a high dollar and cheap food. the pull factor

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