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Paradise fish should never be in a situation where it meets a Goldfish. The Paradise fish is a tropical fish and needs its water over 65F. The Goldfish is a coldwater fish and needs its water below 65F. Ergo they need different temperatures and so should not be kept together.

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Q: Are Paradise Gourami's vicious to goldfish?
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Do all Gouramis get along?

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Are Paradise Gourami's vicious to other fish?

Simple answer is no they are not normally vicious to other species of fish and can be kept in a community aquarium. Thank you for your help, :)!

Can tetra and gouramis be together?

No. Gouramis will be very aggressive to the tetra.

Can a goldfish live with a paradise fish?

There are several reasons why housing these two very different types of fish together would be a bad idea. First off, paradise fish need to be housed in warm water and goldfish need to be housed in coldwater, there is no way to compromise here without harming your fish's health and certainly preventing them from thriving. Along with not having proper water temperatures there would also probably be quite a big size difference and a number of aggression issues caused by either of the fish. The paradise fish will probably be able to eat faster then the goldfish thus causing the goldfish to starve, also paradise fish and goldfish have different nutrient requirements and need to be fed different types of food(which you can assume is hard to do if the paradise fish keeps eating the food intended for the goldfish).

If you have 2 gouramus in a 5 gallon tank how do you get your gouramis to stop fighting?

Gouramis aren't really great fish to have together unless they have room to move around (e.g. at least 5 gallons per fish). Your tank is MUCH too small to have two gouramis, they're fighting for territory. If you don't want to return one to the fish store, then you should definitly just get a bigger tank. Unless you have dwarf gouramis, you should have them in at least 20 gallons. It also depends on what kind of gouramis you have. Some are more social and are more likely to school (dwarf gouramis, pearl gouramis) whereas others prefer to be top dog (opaline gouramis, blue gouramis). Good luck!

Are gourami's lifebearers?

No, gouramis are egglayers.

Can gouramis go in a tank with flowerhorn?

no .................

Can guppys and goldfish be together in a tank?

NoGuppies, tetras, and gouramis are all wonderful fish to keep as pets but it is not a very good idea to stick them with a goldfish. Guppies, tetras, and gouramis are all tropical fish who like temperatues above 75 degrees F. Goldfish are coldwater fish which prefer colder temperatures of under 70 degrees F. By putting these fish together you would only stress them out. Also goldfish are a very messy fish that produce a large quanity of waste which could harm the tropical fish's gills. Most tropical fish like a pH that is above 7 and goldfish prefer a pH below 7. Hope this helps ;)

Is a Paradise Gourami and a comet goldfish ok together in a tank?

The simple answer is NO Definately not! The Paradise fish is a tropical fish and needs its water over 65F. (Around 70F) The Goldfish is a coldwater fish and needs its water below 65F.(Around 60F) Ergo they need different temperatures and so should not be kept together. Thanks for your help :)!!