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pet medSometimes, but don't count on it. The dangers work both ways; people shouldn't take pet medicine and pets shouldn't take people medicine.

First of all, prescription medicine should be taken with the supervision of a Doctor Who knows things like possible allergic reactions, negative drug interactions, dosage, drug shelf life, and the duration of the period you should take a particular drug in a particular dosage. They go to school for years to know this stuff. If you take the wrong drug too long, you could do irreparable harm to your organs.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has higher safety tolerances required for people medicine than pet medicine. It may be that some drugs are chemically identical and come off the same manufacturing line, but in many instances the drugs may be processed differently. Also, it's a bad bet that if you have a drug for an animal (i.e. muscle relaxant) it works on a person. Why? Because even if 95% of the time the drug is safe, that leaves 5% of the time that the drug is not safe... in short, possible illness or death.

The same arguments work in reverse for out pet friends. Just like you can hurt some animals by giving them people food (dogs may die if they eat chocolate and most animals can't digest cow milk properly) certain drugs are toxic; if you give a goat pepto bismol it could kill it. Talk with a vet or vet tech if you have questions. There are low cost clinics all over the place. Get a cheap vaccination and pick the doctors brain for 5 minutes while he gives your pet their annual booster shot.

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Q: Are Pet medications and People Medications the same?
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Are pet medications the same as those for people?

Yes, very often medications for use in animals and humans are the same, except that their dosages are usually lower to account for different body sizes, and they are not usually held to the same standards of purity. Among these are similar antibiotics and antidepressants.

Do Brand Name and Generic Pet Meds Really Compare?

If you own a pet, you will undoubtedly have to purchase pet meds for him or her at some point. Unfortunately, since most people do not purchase pet health insurance, these medications can be costly. You can either choose to purchase brand name or generic medications for your pet. Even though the generic pet meds may look different, they contain the same active ingredients and essentially work the same while saving you money.

Where can you order pet medications on the web without having a veterinarian prescription?

Nowhere legally in the United States; all prescription pet medications must have a veterinarian's prescription.

Can a dog taking dexamethadone also take Benadryl?

In general, it should be OK to give these two medications together. However, for your pet's health, it's probably wise to check with the Vet that knows your pet's history and condition best before giving medications.

What medications do you give your dog with round worm or parasite?

1-800 Pet Meds call them

Which website for pet medicines has the slogan Revolution for Dogs?

The website for pet medicines that has the slogan "Revolution for Dogs" is Pet Meds. This website has many different medications for your animals and pets.

Can you mix benadryl aspirin and ampicillan for a swollen paw?

Take your pet to the Vet for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. It would be unwise to give medications without knowing the cause of the problem, as some medications could mask important symptoms.

What companies sell pet meds to the general public?

Most medications that your cat would need should be provided by your vet. If your vet cannot get you all of the medications it would be best to ask him for a suggestion on where to purchase them. You can order them through petmed if you want to do it that way.

What can you give a cat for arthritis pain?

There are a couple of medications your veterinarian can prescribe. However, there are no safe medications that you can buy without your veterinarian's prescription. You should never give human medications to your pet - these medications are not safe for animals and can cause severe reactions.

What is the purpose of pets meds?

The purpose of PetMeds is to make it easier for pet owners to care for their pets. PetMeds offers medications, vitamins, treats and other supplies at a reduced cost. All of the medications supplied are FDA approved and their veterinary pharmacists are available to answer questions if needed.

How much Valium do you give a 60 pound dog?

2nd Answer: Never never give your dog human or prescription medications without taking your pet in to be checked out by a Veterinarian. You could possibly kill or make your pet very ill. 1st Answer: Enough that 4 people would take.

Can you use tick medicine and Advantage flea medicine together and not hurt the dog?

You should not combine medications unless advised to do so by a Vet. Advantage already has a tick control medication in it. Adding a separate tick killer may overdose or interact with other medications and harm your pet.