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No! Sharks are less mean then your average honey bee! you may think sharks are just big bad eating machines, but they really aren't. Some scientists think that sharks are only taste testing us. they don't have hands do they? they are like babies, or puppies! they do the same things to shark motors. Other scientists believe, sharks mistake us for large sea animals suck as seals. From the bottom that's what we look like, especially when we are on surf boards! So to answer your question, no sharks not the meanest animals in the world.

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Q: Are Sharks the world's most meanest animals?
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No, sharks do not have a nest. Sharks are animals that for the most part hunt alone, except for a few species that will hunt in small packs.

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Sharks eat the same way that most animals eat, by biting and swallowing. They don't chew their food, though.

How did people know the great white shark was the meanest shark?

Actually we dont there just known from jaws probably. But what we know now is that a Bull shark is the most dangerous out of all sharks even the great white. hope this helped