

Best Answer

I think so!

I have one!

I personallly think they are the sweetest dogs ever!

My dog is so loving and gentle!


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Q: Are Yellow Labrador Retriever's good with kids?
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Related questions

What dog are good with big dogs?

Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are great large dogs with kids. they love to play and swim, also.

Where can one find information about Labrador Retrievers?

Labrador Retrievers have been a popular pet choice for familes for a long time. They are well known for being great with kids. The Dog Breed Info website has a lot of information about this breed.

Which dogs are best with children?

The dogs that are best with children are golden retrievers (if you have older kids), Labrador Retrievers, Beagles (if you have active kids), cocker spaniels, poodles, Boarder Terrier, Great dane (Though they are big they are gentle and patient and are perfect pets), Pugs (they are fiercily loyal to their owners but they are sutible for inexperienced pet owners) and Samoyeds.Additional answer:Even dogs that are traditionally thought to be good with kids will need lots of training and socialization to be reliable companions with children, so do not skimp on either of these issues. Retrievers are a great choice for first-time dog owners, but, again, even though retrievers have a reputation of being good with kids, that reputation needs to be honed with dedicated socialization and training.

What is the best dog for comfort?

golden retrievers they r a good family pet and good for kids

What breed of dog is good for little kids?

Golden retrievers are good for kids because they have a kind and loving nature, which will soon connect with the kid.

Do golden retrievers like children?

Golden Retrievers LOVE kids! Goldens are probably the best choice if you have kids. Kids love them and they love kids.

What breed best for kids what breed can live in high tem?

Labrador Retrievers are known to do well with children, and can stand high temperatures if need be. However, any dog is capable of getting dehydrated including the Labrador. It needs to take breaks in the shade and cool down with some drinking water.

How is labrador retrievers more popular?

they are really good with kids and really sweet. they also live pretty long and they love water. they also love to play and have a lot of energy. but full breed labs have a lot of knee problems and a lot of tumors and just over all not very good bones. and the surgery costs a lot of $$$.

Are yellow labs good with kids?


Why are some kids addicted to a golden retriever?

they r not addicted they r attached golden retrievers r really good friends

Are labrador- rot mixes good pets for kids?

It really depends on the dog itself. Labs are great with kids, and rots can be too. You have to look at personality. Dogs are different.

What is the ideal color of labrador you can recommend?

I recommend yellow labs because they have great personalities. They love water and playing and are great with kids. They love affection and make a great family pet.