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Most people will feed their growing foals a suppliment for the first year. After that, depending on the individual animal, and his work load they may still need extra vitamins and minerals. Most horses are on a hay/grain diet and most grain products have the vitamins and minerals already in them. So what they don't get from the hay they get from the grain and are pretty well balanced with this feeding program. Horses that have a heavy work load or are stressed (show horses) will benefit from some extra nutrition.

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Q: Are a horses vitamins and minerals need to be added to its food?
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What does fortification in food mean?

The vitamins and minerals are added to replace the original vitamins and minerals that were lost during the refining process...

What means a food product is enriched?

To enrich something means to add something to it to improve it. Enriched food has vitamins and minerals added to it to make it healthier.

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It gets the minerals through the water it recieves, and some foods have vitamins naturally.

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What contains food for the embryo?

iron, vitamins, minerals of the mother's food.

What food does not need to be digested by the stomach?

vitamins and minerals

Is e Vitamins and minerals provide energy to the body?

No. Food provides the energy; vitamins and minerals are important, but won't keep you alive.

What are the Six basic food components?

water , minerals , vitamins , carbohydrates , fat , proteins

Which food has vitamins in it?

Every food has some sort of "nutrient" in it. And most foods have some vitamin or mineral content (however small this may be). The only exception is white sugar - this has no vitamins (wheras brown sugar has some vitamin/mineral content), but it does have nutrient value (it's full of calories). All fruits and vegetables have vitamins in, white bread and breakfast cerals are fortified with vitamins and minerals (have them added). Plain white flour is also now fortifed with vitamins and minerals. Meat, fish and dairy all contain vitamins and minerals. It's difficult to find a food without vitamins in, with the exception of white sugar.

What non-food pill or liquid contains vitamins and minerals?

well, vitamin water has vitamins and minerals...and there are anti food pills that actually make you not hungry for a week or two, i think they're full of vitamins and stuff

What are some words associated with nutrition?

food vitamins minerals

Six kinds of nutrients found in food?

Proteins carbohydrates fats water vitamins minerals