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yes algaes are the most primitive and all became diverse due to evolution

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Q: Are algae found in both fresh water and salt water?
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Are frogs and alligator found in salt water?

Not normally. They are both fresh water organisms, but both are often found in brackish water.

What is an area of water where there is both salt and fresh water?

In an area where there is both salt water and fresh water, the water is called brackish.

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Diatoms are among the most common microbial eukaryotes and dominate in many different aquatic and marine habitats

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Clams - both marine and fresh water - are found everywhere they have proximity to a body of water, all over the united states and southern Canada.

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There are both salt water and fresh water crocs.

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Both, bony fishes inhabit almost every body of water. They are found in tropical, temperate, and polar seas as well as virtually all fresh water environments. See attached link for more information.

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Both kinds of fish can live in a delta area. The line between salt water fish and fresh water fish seems to be getting blurrier. Sharks and other typically salt water fish are found many miles up stream in rivers that empty into the ocean. It appears that salt water fish adapt better than fresh water fish as the fish found in fresh water are not found out at sea.

Icebergs are made of sea water or fresh water or both?

Icebergs are made of fresh water.

Are coral reefs fresh water salt water or both?

coral reefs are fresh water

Does Peru have fresh water or salt water?

Peru has both Fresh and Salt water. Salt Water in the ocean and Fresh in lakes, streams, and on the mountains.

Is algae fungus like?

no fungi grows on you and alge grows in the water Actually, I disagree with the above answer, so I'm improving. They do have similarities. Both fungi and algae prefer to live in moist environments. Both can range in size from a single-celled organism to much larger, multi-celled organisms. Both have haploid nuclei (only one chromosome instead of two).