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of course not, all music people do not do frugs

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Q: Are all musicians addicted to drugs?
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Related questions

Why do some musicians die from drugs?

Many musicians die from drugs, I would guess because they think that it would be cool to try it. They later become addicted and die.

What sort of people get addicted to drugs?

All kinds. Drugs do not have a preference.

Can you be addicted at birth?

Yes, babies born to mothers who are addicted to drugs are often born addicted to the same drugs themselves.

What is a hipie?

a hipy can be someone addicted to drugs or not addicted to drugs. Either way, they believe in not destroying earth life, and disagree with pollution and machines, and harmfull things.... don't we all.

Are people addicted by drugs?

No, not all people become addicted to drugs. It depends on the type of drugs as well as the type of personality the person has, which makes some people more likely to become addicted than others.

Was Thomas Jefferson addicted to medicine drugs or the bad type of drugs?

Thomas Jefferson was not addicted to medicine drugs or any bad type of drugs.

What factors can contribute to a person tendency to become addicted to drugs?

All of these are correct

What factor can contribute to a persons tendency to become addicted to drugs?

All of these are correct

What is the most addicted drug?

Drugs do not have the ability to become addicted

Is eminem addicted to drugs?


Does cross addiction mean your addicted to drugs and ahcole?

yes they do i am na and we get ppl that are croos addicted to drugs and alcohol

Are drugs making you addicted or are you making yourself addicted?

Drugs cause a physical need. That is not something you can think yourself to.