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yes they can live beside each other i have a tank in the hexagon with all of them beside each other. they will try to fight still but that is normal.

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Q: Are betta fish allowed to sit next to each other on the counter or do they have to be separated?
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Female betta and a male betta and they keep fhigting?

All bettas will fight each other, male or female. Always keep them separated.

Can you keep a male betta with a female betta for a long period of time with other fish?

No, you should never keep a male and female betta fish together for long time periods. They should only be put in the same tank for breeding purposes and then separated after.

Plakat betta fish mate with a short tail female betta?

no because male betta's are really aggressive to other betta's which plakats are male's. but female betta's can stay with other females. don't try to, one of your betta's are going to end up dead.

What preys on betta fish?

other Betta fish and the bigger fish.

What other fish will not fight will a Betta in the same tank?

Male Betta splendens fight with other male Betta splendens so the answer is most other fish will not fight with a Betta in the same tank. To try to list every species of fish here would be impossible.

Why are Betta fish called Betta fish?

becuse thay bite other fish

Are Betta fish from china?

yes, currently most of all the betta fish come from china. they are found in little ponds with other betta's.

Can a male betta fish be living in the same fish tank with a female betta fish?

No. Betta fish will attack each other no matter the sex.

Is it bad for a male betta fish to nibble on a girl betta?

Male Betta's are solitary. They cannot be placed with other fish. That's why they are known a Japanese fighting fish. They will kill other fish for territory.

Is it bad to mix Betta Fish with other fish?

Yes, Betta Fish are extremely aggressive and they will most likely kill your other fish.

Does it effect Betta fish if they fight?

yes but only if yours is very hurt by the other betta fish.

What fish are like betta's?

There are over 20 members of the Betta family that I know of. They are all small fish and all have the same labyrinthine breathing system. None of them have the magnificent finnage of the common Betta splendens though. Other relations of the Betta are all of the other Anabantids including the Gouramies.