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The Bettas that you see that have the beautifull flowing fins and brilliant colours have all been developed and line bred in captivity. The wild fish is not very colourful and has much shorter fins.

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Q: Are betta fish captured and shipped to the US to sell?
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Is it illegal to sell Betta fish?

If you sell their bottled blood, its okay, but other ways, no.

Where can you buy girl betta fish?

You can find some Albino Bettas at pet stores or wherever fish are sold. I found an Albino Betta at Petsmart but they might not always sell them there. You can check back there every month or so to see if they got new shipments.

How do you take care or 300 betta fish babies?

My sugestion is that you sell them because the female wil try to eat them and the male will kill the female and you will loose you female betta fish so give them to a pet store or sell em

Do Walmart sell good Betta fish?

I would say they may have been good fish to start. But I know the Walmart by me neglects their fish and I would never buy one from them. When you are selecting a betta be sure to look for good color, clear eyes, smooth bodies and no protrusions.

What can you feed your betta that is simple and easy?

They sell packaged betta food.

Do they sell baby turtles in the 99cent store?

They do sell turtles and betta fish in 99 cent store because this Sunday I saw turtle so I'm buying one tommorow it includes the small tank

How long do male betta's live for in a bowl?

If you take really good care of you male betta fish then he could live up to 5years. Like, if you change their water like twice a week and if you feed them about twice a day and if you buy a little plant that they sell at pet stores,it's a little plant that goes at the bottom of your fish bowl and it gives the fish oxygen. But, if you decide to not take good care of your betta fish then he could only live for a couple of monthes. Hope that this helped you.

How do fishermen transport fish and where do they transport it to?

Once fisherman catch the fish, it will then be cleaned and ready to sell by the other crew members. After it is polished, it then will be shipped or trained to it's final destination. They ship it off to markets around the world.

Do betta fish go together with goldfish?

Beta fish are solitary fish and generally will attack/annoy any other fish until they are dead. Check with your local pet shop that sell fish to inquire about what, if any, fish can co-exist with Beta. it all depends on how aggressive you betta fish is, i own two male bettas, i placed my first one in the tank with 3 other goldfishes and they get along fine, however when i replaced the 1st betta with the 2nd one, it was the more aggressive one and attacked my other fishes...... my suggestions is to buy a seperator for the betta and have it get use to the other fishes for the first couple of weeks then place them together. just a heads up, doing this can cause a betta to get stressed out, so be on a look out for simptosn of ick hello!

When fish are first sold are they fed?

Usually... Petco, Petsmart, Wal-Mart, and some local pet stores feed there fish. But it depends on the local petstore, Betta fish sometimes miss feedings because they sell them in cups usually, and it is easy to get off track when sorting through the cups.

Will a goldfish eat a betta fish?

I believe that most gold fish eat betta pellet food. My two gold fishes at home eat that and they have been alive for quite a while. So you can try with your gold fish and see if they like it. But if you have gold fish food you should just give them that

Do Betta fish eat feeder fish?

Betta's can be a very aggresive fish, especially the males. They may go after smaller slower moving fish that stray into their territory of the tank. If they stress out the fish enough that they kill it they will nibble on it, however Bettas are not a large carnivores and shouldn't be fed feeder fish. In fact, scince most feeders are goldfish (of a sort) the feeder may stress out the betta to the point that it will kill the betta. It is best just to feed a betta high protein flakes. Most pet stores that sell bettas also have food formulated for bettas scince it is such a popular species.