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Also known as the North American Black Panther. They are assumed to be melanistic cougars (pumas with a melanin disorder causing a black sheen to their coat). Though most Biologist and large cat breeders claim they do not exist. As such their existence has not been actively searched for in any of the north American Cougar populations.

Their have been occasional rare sighting of Black Panthers in Missouri for hundreds of years. Native Missouri Indians claimed they represented death along with the crow. Though no verified photographic or scientific evidence for their existence has yet surfaced, their have been occasional and recent sighting where armature video and/or pictures(non confirmed with authorities) have been taken.

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Q: Are black panther cats located in Missouri?
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What is family of a black panther?

Black panther belongs to the family Felidae(cats)

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Black leopards and jaguars are born black. The black panther is merely one of these two cats.

What are a black panther's threats?

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There is no species known as a Panther. What is called a panther, is in fact a leopard, a jaguar, or a cougar. A black panther is just a skin colour variation (melanism) of either of these cats.

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If you mean the panther, it was Bagheera.

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Many people misunderstand the meaning of panther. There is no such thing as a black or pink panther, but there is such thing as a large black or pink cat. Panther is an umbrella term for cats in general. That means any creature that is a cat [including the domesticated cats and even lions] is a panther. Panther is a term for all types of cats.

Is a black panther more feirce than a leopard?

The name Panther can be applied to several species of big cats, but usually a panther is simply a leopard with a black coat - so it would depend on the individual, not by the species.

Is a panther the same species as a black panther?

No, because a panther is not its real name a black "panther" does not exist. You see they are actually called Black leopards because its a type of leopard. If you see a black leopard in the sun you can see faint spots.

Who will win wolverine or black panther?

they both have claws and they're both cats but first of all panthers are faster and stronger second of all black panther can turn into a real panther and rip wolverine's head of and that can make him die

What is faster a black panther or a spotted leopard?

The name Panther can be applied to several species of big cats, but usually a panther is simply a leopard with a black coat - so the race would be won by the strongest individual, not by the stronger species.

Does a black panther have a nickname?

Black Panthers in the Western Hemisphere are known as Cougars, Pumas, Mountain lions, Catamounts, and Mountain cats. The black panther is another name for a black leopard, or a black jaguar. The puma is also called "panther", but is rarely if ever subject to melanism, or being black, like the other twp species.

Black panther scientific name?

The scientific name for the black panther, which refers to either a melanistic leopard or jaguar, is Panthera pardus for the leopard and Panthera onca for the jaguar. The term "black panther" is not a distinct species but rather a common name used for these melanistic big cats.