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No, not usually. This is assuming that you mean a single lump at the site of the bite. Lumps under the skin are a normal reaction to the allergen introduced by the insect, although not everyone has this reaction to them.

The bumps can be itchy, but not very painful. They should disappear within a few days; this can be expedited by the topical application of an over-the-counter steroid cream such as hydrocortisone.

If the bumps are very large, develop a rash or are painful, then you may wish to see a doctor. Also, be wary of a more serious reaction to the bites which may manifest as a systemic allergic reaction such as rash, difficulty breathing, fever etc.

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Q: Are bumps under the skin after a bug bite a concern?
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You might have bumps because the skin under the ring is getting dry. Does it itch? Try moisturizing your hands and the area often (at least once a day).

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Several insects can cause knots on the skin as a reaction to the bite. The bite could be from a spider. The bite may also be infected. It is best to seek medical attention from a professional if there is a concern about an insect bite. Some bites from insects can be deadly.

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