

Are carrots better to cook whole?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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14y ago

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It has been proved that if you cook carrots whole that it is less likely for you to get cancer than someone who cooks carrot cut up!!!

It makes such a difference!!!

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Q: Are carrots better to cook whole?
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If they're chopped up, probably about 5-8 minutes after the water boils. If they're whole, then probably 10-15 minutes after the boil. Frozen carrots take longer, but usually don't taste as nice. With any of these though, it's size that matters...if they're big, they'll take longer to cook!

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Carrots are pretty hardy. If they were unintentionally frozen, just defrost them and cook as you normally would. They probably wouldn't be good raw, though.

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No. 1: your question doesn't make sense. if you meant: How many degrees do carrots cook at? then the answer is: BOILED: high heat setting on the hob ROASTED: 400 degrees F

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