

Best Answer

Chiropractic is indeed "legit" and has been an effective form of health care for over 100 years. Chiropractic now represents the third largest used form of health care in North America, after medicine and dentistry (1). Before a student can attend chiropractic college they must complete a 4 year university undergraduate degree. Then, during an additional 4 years of chiropractic college, Chiropractors receive extensive training in the nervous system, muscular system and skeletal system. In addition, chiropractic students are taught how to properly identify and diagnose all other conditions that may present like simple muscle of joint pain. This way a chiropractor knows when they can help, and when they need to refer someone to a different specialist in the medical field.

Opposite Answer:

While some chiropractors can ease pain, in the same way as a massage therapist, the basic tenets of the "art" have never been proven in any scientific manner. A major danger of chiropractic is that most chiropractors are not trained in proper diagnosis and may delay referring you to a real doctor, even for life-threatening conditions. Secondly chiropractors have a pseudoscientific belief system and often recommend dangerous, expensive, or bizarre treatments that are completely worthless.

A comprehensive critique of chiropractic's lack of scientific validity was published by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Quebec in 1963.

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13y ago

Although no treatments exist that are completely without risk, spinal manipulation, when performed by a trained health care professional such as a doctor of chiropractic, is one of the safest forms of therapy for the treatment of Back pain, neck pain, headaches and other musculoskeletal conditions (1,2). Common side effects from spinal manipulation include soreness, sprain/strain, headaches and nausea (3). There also exist a very slight risk of fracture. Despite the hype in the media, there is currently no evidence to suggest that spinal manipulation causes any side-effects more severe than those listed above (4,5).

1) A Risk Assessment of Cervical Manipulation vs. NSAIDs for the Treatment of Neck Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1995; 18 (8): 530-536.

2) The benefits outweigh the risks for patients undergoing chiropractic care for neck pain: a prospective, multicenter, cohort study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007;30: 408-418.

3) How common are side effects of spinal manipulation and can these side effects be predicted? Manual Therapy. 2004. 9 (3), Pages 151-156.

4) Risk of Vertebrobasilar Stroke and Chiropractic Care Results of a Population-Based Case-Control and Case-Crossover Study. SPINE. 2008, 33 (4S), pp S176-S183.

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12y ago

Is chiropractic dangerous compared to what? Driving a car? Having back surgery? Riding a bicycle? Just kidding and want to clarify. Chiropractic is an exceptionally safe way to treat many types of conditions. As with anything there are certain risks, on an individual basis only you and your licensed Chiropractor can determine if treatment is both safe and necessary for you.

Jennie L Yates DC

Chiropractor at CoreHealth of Clearwater

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Chiropractors are specially trained to deal with treating injuries to the back and spine.

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Who manages chiropractors?

Chiropractors are autonomous health care providers whose practice does not require the supervision or management of a physician. Chiropractors are regulated by the laws of the state in which they practice, as well as by the rules of their state chiropractic board.

What are straight chiropractors?

Some practitioners use spinal manipulation to the exclusion of all other modalities, and are known as straight chiropractors

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Who makes more chiropractors or veterinarians?

I would guess chiropractors - veterinarians tend to make US$100,000 or less per year.

What adjustments do chiropractors make to a patient's spine?

Chiropractors adjust or manipulate segments of the patient's spinal column in order to relieve pain.

Do chiropractors work night?

The vast majority of chiropractors work regular work hours during the day and do not work night shifts.

Can chiropractors in ca order blood test?

Chiropractors are hollistic doctors. They can refer you to another doctor for additional help if they feel you need it.

Were do chiropractors have to work?

Interesting question... Chiropractors can work pretty much anywhere. They may have a home office, they may make house calls, they may have a completely separate office. Sometimes chiropractors will work with other health professionals. This is of course a personal choice as chiropractors have a different philosophy on how the body works from what mainstream medicine believes to be true. To answer your question chiropractors can practice almost anywhere depending on some residential zoning restrictions.