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Electrons do have a net charge of negative one. Their mass, however, is only a fraction of 1 Atomic Mass unit, specifically, 1/1836 amu.

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Electrons are negatively charged, but have a mass of much less than 1 atomic mass unit. It would take approximately 1,836 electrons to have a mass of 1 amu.

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Q: Are electrons negatively charged and have a mass of 1 amu?
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What differentiates each subatomic particle?

The mass and the charge. Protons are positively charged. Electrons are negatively charged. Neutrons have no charge. Protons and neutrons have similar mass (about 1 amu). The mass of electron is about 1822 times less than that of protons / neutrons.

What are the mass and charge for each sub-atomic particle?

In the atom: Neutron: Mass: 1,00866491600(43) amu. Electron: Mass: 5,4857990946(22)×10−4 amu. Proton: Mass: 1,007276466812(90) amu.

How does an electron differ from neutron?

Neutrons are neutral sub atomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom (along with positively charged protons). Electrons are negatively charged sub atomic particles that are revolving around the nucleus of an atom. The mass of neutron is 1 amu and the mass of electron is about 1837 times less than that of neutron.

What sub-atomic particles have a mass of 1 amu?

neutrons and protonsbut NOT electrons (the almost have no mass)

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38 amu EDIT: This answer is INCORRECT. Electrons do not have significant mass.

Electrons have a mass of 1 amu?

1 atomic mass unit = 1.66053886 × 10-27 kilograms-Greg

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Atomic weight of electrons in h2o?

Negligible. The mass of an electron is around 1/1840 of an amu, so the 18 electrons in a water molecule contribute a little under 0.01 amu to the total mass of the molecule.

What are structure of atom?

An atom has a nucleus containing protons (positively charged) and neutrons (without electrical charge); protons and neutrons contain quarks and gluons. Around the nucleus are electron shells; electron is negatively charged. The mass of the proton or neutron is approx. 1 amu; the mass of electron is very small cca. 1/1836 from the mass of a proton.

What is the mass of an atom with 17 protons 18 neutrons and 17 electrons?

35 (amu)

How many electrons equal the mass of one Proton?

1836 electrons equal the mass of 1 proton. A proton has a mass of 1.0073 amu, a neutron 1.0087 amu, and an electron 5.486 x 10-4. So, it would take 1836 electrons to equal the mass of 1 proton.

What is the charge and location of the three subatomic particles?

protons --- rel. mass 1 amu, rel. charge +1, location in the nucleus. neutrons --- rel. mass 1 amu, rel. charge 0, location in the nucleus. electrons --- rel. mass 0 amu, rel. charge -1, location outside the nucleus.