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they are infinite, because they will always keep being made

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Q: Are fossil fuels finite or infinite?
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Why do people call fossile fuels finite?

Finite, the opposite of infinite, refers to something that has an end or will end. The universe is infinite, whereas fossil fuels will someday be exhausted, and we can't make more.

Why fossil fuels are said to be finite?

because they are finite;)

Why fossil fuels are regarded as infinite resource?

Fossil fuels are not regarded as an infinite resource. They are finite. Oil wells get used up and run dry. In the very long term, it is possible that new deposits of fossil fuel will be created by the same process that created the existing deposits, however, that takes millions of years, which means that for our purposes, fossil fuels will run out.

Why are the fossil fuels sometimes called finite fuels?

fossil fuels are called finite fuels because unlike renewable reasources like electricity, there is a limitid amount of coal/oil e.t.c inside the earth, so it is finite

Why are fossil fuels called finite resources?

because they are limited resources.

What is a renuable energy source?

Fossil fuels. Anything with a finite supply.

Why should people conserve Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuels are formed from the bodies of millions of years deceased animals. For this reason, fossil fuels should be conserved because they are a very finite resource.

Why are fossil fuels 'finite' and 'non-renewable'?

Fossil fuels are a specific type of fuel that is made up of prehistoric animals and plants. This type of fuel is considered finite and non-renewable because they take millions of years to create.

Why won't fossil fuels last forever?

Fossil Fuels are created when the remains of plants and creatures are put under extreme pressure for extremely long periods of time. There Isn't an infinite amount of vegetation and creatures that lived that long ago, therefore there isn't an infinite amount of Fossil Fuels.

Can crudeoil finish?

Yes !... There is a 'finite' amount of fossil fuels left on the Earth - eventually it will run out !

Why are fossil fuels described as fossils?

Because fossil fuels are fossils is the simple answer. Fossil fuels are just large collections of tiny fossils which have undergone a slightly different process which allows them to be flammable.

Why do you need yo conserve fossil fuels?

Because they are a finite resource - which means when they are gone, we can't produce more.