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No. Fresh powder is softest.

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Q: Are glaciers less dense then fresh snow?
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Why does glaciers and polar ice caps have greatest amount of fresh water?

Cause Of Snow Marins And Glaciers

What percentage of earth's fresh water is stored in ice and snow?

Approximately 68.7% of Earth's fresh water is stored in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow.

How do icebergs form relating to the properties of water?

Icebergs are masses of ice that have broken off of glaciers. The glaciers are formed from the compaction of snow by gravity into a dense ice.

Do glaciers contain saltwater?

Glaciers are formed from the compaction of snow, therefore they are strictly a fresh water formation.

Is less dense than?

Your question is hard to answer for you have not made it clear what you are asking. The term "is less dense than?" is not a question. If you were to ask "What is less dense than snow or water?" That would be a correct question.

Can glaciers only develop on the snow line?

No, glaciers can develop below the snow line. While the snow line is the altitude at which snow accumulates and exceeds melting, glaciers can form and persist in areas where snow falls and compacts into ice faster than it melts. Glaciers can exist in both high-altitude and polar regions.

Is snow made from fresh water?

I should think it would be made of salt water since the icebergs I have heard of are all in the ocean. They are pure water as they are created from glaciers and since glacier ice is formed from falling snow and snow results from condensed water vapor in the atmosphere, the water from icebergs is quite pure.

What are the 2 types of glacier erosien?

Glaciers are ice sheets. There are 2 kinds of glaciers: alpine glaciers and continental glaciers. Alpine glaciers are formed when valleys above the snow line fill with ice and snow. Snow is compacted and gradually begins to flow downhill due to gravity. -Cham11

All about glaciers?

Glaciers are fallen snow :thats how it's formed

Are glaciers rock coverd in snow?

No. Glaciers are slowly moving masses of ice.

How is a iceberg formed?

Icebergs are blocks of fresh-water ice that break off from glaciers and float out to sea. They are made from snow that has fallen hundreds or even thousands of years.

How is iceberg form?

Icebergs are blocks of fresh-water ice that break off from glaciers and float out to sea. They are made from snow that has fallen hundreds or even thousands of years.