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It is advisable not to take any hormone replacement medications during pregnancy since most drugs have an effect on the unborn baby. You will also be required to check with your obgyn about any medications you plan on taking during pregnancy.

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Q: Are hormone replacement medications appropriate for pregnant women?
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Not to be taken with birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, sedatives (diazapam family) or blood pressure medications.

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Emotional stress, Certain medications such as contraceptives (oral, implanted, and injected), oral corticosteriods, antidepressants, antipsychotics, thyroid, and some chemotherapy drugs may cause amenorrhea for some women You could have a hormonal imbalance eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Thyroid Disease How absence of menstruation is treated depends on the cause. The treatment can be as simple as lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress reduction, or can include hormone replacement therapy, as well as other medications when appropriate.

How did Premarin get its name?

Premarin is short for: pregnant mare's urine. It consists of estrogen isolated from mare's urine and is used for hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.

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Growth hormone to increase adult height. Hormone replacement therapy is begun during adolescence and continued. People with Turner syndrome may also take medication for associated medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and thyroid conditions.