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Inactive volcanoes are especially prone to erosion in areas were rainfall is plentiful. This reclamation of the area by local flora can lessen the effect.

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Q: Are inactive volcanoes especially prone to erosion?
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Countries along the Mediterranean Sea are especially prone to earthquakes, as this region lies on several active tectonic plate boundaries, such as the African Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The seismic activity in this area is due to the collision of these plates, leading to frequent earthquakes.

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How can human's prevent erosion?

Humans cannot prevent erosion, because erosion is a natural process that occurs everywhere, from the untouched wilderness to the cities. Humans can reduce the instance of certain areas prone to erosion, like land clearing for houses and production of farmland, but they can never prevent erosion.

What are the problems of soft rock?

They are prone to virtually any form of erosion, weathering and mass movement/wasting.

What are the enviromental issues caused by mining?

Erosion, formation of sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, especially marine life, and contamination of water bodies are some of the environmental issues cause by mining. Soil erosion is prominent as mines are reclaimed when they are closed down. This will cause an instability in the soil, which is prone to erosion whe there is a heavy rain. Soil and other minerals from the mine also run into water bodies, contaminating them and destroying marine life.

What type of weathering occurs to granite?

Granite is a very resilient type of rock and is not prone to much erosion. types of erosion that could occur to granite are acid rain, coastal erosion (weather and salt from the sea damaging it) and weather erosion. it would take an extremely long period of time for erosion to become apparent.

Along what european sea are countries especially prone to?

baltic sea