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No some countries like Africa where darker skinned peoples are indiginous are above it.

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Q: Are people dark skin below the equator?
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Why do people with dark skin color have low fitness far from the equator?

They don't

Is the skin reflectance randomly distributed throughout the globe?

No, people with a dark skin tone are located closer to the equator whereas people with lighter skin tomes may be found furthur from the equator or in other words far north or south.

Do Lebanese people all have dark skin?

No, there is a wide variety of skin tones in Lebanese people. In my family we have dark tanned colored people and pale white people.

Where did black people originated from?

All people on Earth are related; we share 99.99% of the same DNA. Skin colorations evolved according to where people settled and remained. Those in colder climates with less sunlight became lighter in skin color. Those who lived in hotter areas with more intense sunlight evolved to have darker skin.

Were White People Created To Oppress Dark Skinned People?

No, God didn't snap his fingers and create white people because he thought black people needed masters. Skin color is a reflection of where people live (or where their ancestors lived) in relation to the equator.

What are Physical description of Egyptian people?

Dark skin, dark hair.

What color were the ephrathites people?

Dark skin

What colour skin do people have in Algeria?

U can find dark skin people in south .light and white skin in north

Do dark skin people need sunscrean?

Ultraviolet rays can do as much harm to dark skin people as white skinned people. The suns rays do not differentiate between colors.

What do the people in Uganda looks like?

they have dark skin

Why do light skin men prefer dark skin women?

They like dark skin women because it's something so different from what they have and dark skin women are so beautiful! People love the opposite of what they have a lot of times!

Why did Mahatma Gandhi have a dark skin?

He was Indian, most people from India are dark skinned.