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Certainly. People are racist all over the world.

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Q: Are people still racist in the west?
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Related questions

When did people stoped being racist?

They never did, some people are still racist we don't know when it will stop

What is it called when people make racist comments about white people?

It is still called racism.

Why in this day and age is it still ok to be racist?

I don't think it is as OK as you think, however anti-racist people have many friends that are racist so sometimes rather than argue / fight with friends they keep their anti-racist opinions to themselves. I think you may find that there are also a lot of anti-racist people out there, but unfortunately the racist "voice" seems to be the loudest.

Are there still racist people in Georgia?

Probably. There are still racits in nearly every state, and Georgia was part of the confederate.

Some blacks are more racist than whites. Why do people ignore this?

Answer: I'm black and i agree. Most people ignore this because they don't want to be labeled as a racist. And society is still trying to make up for the years of slavery witch ended over a hundred years ago. Racism is still out there.Answer: People, and certainly most people, do not ignore this as it is brought up all the time. It is commonly used to distract from the fact that there are many white people who are still racist, and ironically, is used by many white people who are, in fact, racist.

Does Kanye West hate white people?

He has been quoted saying some.. not racist, but very demeaning things about white people.

Are the people of belfast racist?

Like anywhere, there are racist people in Belfast, but the majority of people in Belfast are not racist.

What does racial inferiority mean?

It means that one race, such as chinese, not to be racist but using it as an example, is lower, and not as good, as say, African people, still not trying to be racist.

Are people racist in England?

Unfortunately, racism exists in every country, including England. While the majority of people in England are not racist, there are still instances of racial discrimination and prejudice that occur. It is important for society to actively work towards combating racism and promoting inclusivity and equality.

What state has the most racist?

West Virginia

Is crooks and castles for black people?

No. Some white people were still racist back in the day. Some are still today but not as much like back in the day.

Are people still judging people of color these days?

Some people are wrongly racist but, no most people aren't judging people of color these days.