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Q: Are potatoes planted or harvested at a specific time of the year?
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What is an Easter potato?

A potato that was planted around Easter or a small potato that is served on Easter can be what is called an Easter potato.Specifically, potatoes are popular year round. But according to some traditions and in some countries, baby potatoes are served on Easter since their shape and size can be interpreted as Easter egg-like. Easter also is a time at which potatoes can be planted so that they will be harvested before the hot weather which they so dislike.

Can potatoes be planted in August in Louisiana?

Potatoes should be planted in the winter for best results, especially in Louisiana. They need full sun, and they often can't get full sun if they are planted in August, because by the time they grow, it is winter.

When do I harvest garlic?

Garlic can be harvested at any time for immediate use. After the garlic has bloomed and is turning brown the garlic can be planted again and it will stay fresh for a long time to eat. In Colder regions garlic is planted in the fall and harvested nine months later when the about 60% of the leaves are brown.

Where are potatoes harvested?

It depends on the region and the date of plantation. For instance, new potatoes can be harvested as early as May if planted in February in a suitable location. New potatoes can be harvested before the plant growth cycle is complete, so they typically take less time to grow. Potatoes that you will keep in storage over winter need to be harvested as soon as the stems dry up, meaning that all the nutrients are now present in the potatoes. They can be harvested from summer to late autumn, as long as there are no frosty nights yet, but always as soon as the stems are almost dry. Kept longer in the soil, they will start catching all kind of rotting bacteria from the soil.

Is plain flour winter flour?

The variation in strengh is minimal; winter flour means that the wheat plants are planted in the winter and harvested in the summer. Whereas summer flour is planted in the summer but harvested in the winter. This means that both crops get a similar amount of time in the sun, so flour strengh is not significantly affected.

When is the optimal time to grow corn?

Corn, in North America, is planted in mid spring so it can grow throughout the summer and be harvested in the fall.

Did the Iroquois plant their crops at a specific time?

yes they did. they planted their plants in the spring then harvested in the fall so they could be prepared for winter.They preserve their food by drying and squishing into like a flavored dust so it couldn't mold. they dried, squished then saved (then of course during winter, ate).

How is farming done?

Farming starts out by a seed getting planted. The seed is then given time to grow with water and fertilizer. The seed grows into a crop. The crop is then harvested and sold to stores.

How long do potatos take to grow?

Potatoes, like many other crops, come in many different varieties which have varying periods of time to grow to maturity. Some red types can be harvested for small, "stewing-type" potatoes in as little as 8 to 10 weeks. Others can be harvested in about three months. Full-season potatoes, such as Russett Burbank, can take as long as six months to produce the largest possible tuber.

What time of year when potatoes grow?

Traditionally in temperate climates potatoes have been a seasonal crop. They would be harvested before the first fall frost and could be stored during the winter months. Now in some warmer areas varieties have been developed that can be grown all year.

How long is it before a new potato becomes an old potato?

Different types of potatoes will take a different amount of time to be ready for harvesting. New spring potatoes planted in February can be harvested in May after only 100 days. They are too small for fries and too young for mash, but are perfect boiled whole. New potatoes planted later in the warmer season may need as little as 70 days to be ready for harvesting. Potatoes that you harvest for storage over the winter will be planted later and take as much as 5 months, growing bigger in the process. A fun way to grow potatoes is in a wooden or metallic barrel. You first plant just the one potato at the bottom filled with rich decomposed compost and soil, and as the plant grows, you keep adding soil until you reach the top of the barrel. The one plant will grow potatoes in all these multiple layers of soil. You can harvest 10 weeks after adding the last layer of soil when the plant is still green, the potatoes on top will be new and delicious, the ones at the bottom layers are fully grown.

How do you know when to dig up sweet potatoes?

Most commonly, sweet potatoes are harvested when the plant dies off, often as winter approaches and frosts begin. They can be harvested before this by cutting tubers from the plant. If the cut tuber exudes a milky juice that turns blackish upon drying then the tubers are not ready. If it dries clear, they are mature.