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Depends on the possible side effects of the drugs

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11y ago

No, it is not illegal, I think so.

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Q: Are prescriptioned drugs illegal to take while driving?
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Is it illegal to talk on the phone while driving in Arizona?

Nope, it is illegal to text while driving in Arizona though.

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Are prescription drugs illegal to take when driving?

If it impairs your operation of the vehicle in any way (e.g.: makes you drowsy - slows your reaction time - makes you hallucinate - etc) - yes, most definitely. Even non-presecription drugs fall into this category. You could be charged with DUI (Driving Under the Influence).If you are the holder of a CDL - you have even more restrictions placed on you.Technically, it's not taking the drugs that's illegal; it's operating a car while in an impaired condition that's illegal. If the drugs do not impair you, then it's legal; if they do, then it isn't.This below link to an article on prescription drugs and driving may help:

Is it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in Ohio?

In Brooklyn, Ohio it is illegal tio use a cell phone while driving

Is it illegal to use your cell phone while driving in Tennessee?

Yes, it is illegal to use a handheld cell phone while driving in Tennessee. Drivers are prohibited from holding a cellphone or other electronic device to conduct voice communication. Hands-free devices are allowed.

Is Prescription drugs illegal while driving?

No. Unless they cause the driver to become impaired in some way. There should be a warning on the label advising if drowsiness may be casued.

Is it illegal to use a calculator while driving?

Not very different from texting while driving. If it isn't it should be.

In what states is texting while driving illegal?

California, Tennessee,

Is it illegal to talk on the sell phone while driving?


What is illegal while driving?

Drinking, shooting a firearm, sleeping - to name a few.I just want to add that it is illegal to use cellphones specially texting while driving.

Is wearing earplugs while driving illegal?

In most places wearing earplugs while driving is illegal because it imparis you ability to hear the approach of emergency vehicles.

IS Receiving text messages is this legal while driving?

it is legal in some states it is illegal to text while driving