

Are prostitutes illegal

Updated: 4/29/2024
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16y ago

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It is illegal in North America and Europe. Although prostitution is not illegal in New Zealand. == In most European countries, the ban is on soliciting and running brothels - not prostitution as such. After all, prostitution is actually a bit difficult to define. In the Netherlands and Germany prostitution is regulated by the governments. (In Germany each state has its own regulations. In Hamburg, for example, one can become an officially registered prostitute, subject to health checks and so on.

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16y ago
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1mo ago

The legality of prostitution varies by country and jurisdiction. In some places, prostitution is legal and regulated, while in others it is illegal. It's important to research the laws in your specific area to understand the legal status of prostitution.

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14y ago

In some countries yes in other countries no. The same applies to states or counties where varying laws exist. However, religion wise, it is prohibited in the three heaven religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is considered in the three relgions that person (man or woman) should have control on his desires and that intercourse should be through formal marriage only.

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10y ago

Prostitution in the United States is illegal, except in some rural counties of the state of Nevada.

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14y ago

No in all states but one. Nevada it is legal.

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11y ago

Tickling a consenting adult is not illegal.

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12y ago

Some countries allow prostitution because they believe making it illegal would not eliminate the practice but drive it underground. It is also more simple to regulate and police it.

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There are no official statistics on what percentage of women are prostitutes in the US. Prostitution is illegal in most of the US, which makes it difficult to accurately track this information. Additionally, many individuals involved in prostitution may do so covertly, further complicating efforts to estimate the percentage of women involved.

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Only Nevada has legal prostitution, but California seems to have the highest population, so chances are, California.

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yes there are lesbian prostitutes as well as gay jiglo's they are just as common as strait prostitutes.