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Yes, smoked oysters are indeed cooked through a smoking process. A cooked oyster will be firm to the touch which means it is safe to eat.

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Q: Are smoked oysters cooked
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Is a smoked ham pre cooked?

yes anything smoked is already cooked

Is the nutritional value of smoked oysters the same as fresh?

No, the value will always be higher in fresh than in smoked.

Is smoked beacon raw or cooked?

its semi cooked, as it is smoked. Smoked foods can be preserved for long. Its a technique used for years and years, when science and chemical were not available

Can someone with diabetes and high cholesterol eat smoked oysters?

Yes. But should they?

How long are cooked oysters good?

As long as your willing to eat them. This is a tough question to answer. If the oysters were on the verge of spoiling prior to cooking then that changes everything. It also depends on how they were cooked. Fried oysters will be fine refrigerated for a few days where as oyster stew will be good for just about a week. Seriously I wouldn't eat cooked oysters more than 3 or 4 days old.

What is smoked jowl?

cooked or smoked in a smoker or grill usually pork jaw meat

Is bacon already cooked?

Most bacon has been smoked, but not cooked. Microwave bacon is partially cooked.

How do you reheat fully cooked smoked chicken?

You can reheat fully cooked smoked chicken in the oven on a low temperature. You can also reheat this type of chicken in the microwave.

Can you eat smoked oysters left on the counter for 3 hours?

No that would be stupid and really gross!

Is smoked salmon good for cats?

Smoked oysters are not good for cats. Oysters contain enzymes that may be harmful to a cats digestive system if ingested.

How do you fix a store bought cooked smoked turkey?

There are a variety of ways to fix a store bought cooked, smoked turkey. It can be cooked in a smoker, backed in the over, broiled, roasted or fixed in a slow cooker.

Do you have to cook smoked salmon?

No; it is already cooked (by smoking).