

Are tank fish afraid of sound?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Are aquarium fish afraid of sound?

yes i am sure some are?

What is it called when you have a fear of fish in a tank not the kind that you eat?

I don't know the answer but, I have the same fear. I have full on panic attacks when I start to get close to an aquarium. I do not have a fear of water, or fish in open water. I can go fishing and not be afraid. It is strictly fish in a tank! There is not a name for this phobia but here are a couple that could explain why you are afraid of fish in a tank. Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces. Hyelophobia (or Hyalophobia), Nelophobia is a fear of glass. Aquaphobia or Hydrophobia is the fear of water.

Why do gold fish huddle together under a toy at the bottom of the tank?

They are shy, they are afraid of the outside world around them.

How do you know if a fish is afraid of another fish?

It'll swim away or try to avoid the fish its afraid of.

Which word has the schwa vowel sound afraid or scared?

"Afraid" does, in the first syllable. The schwa sound is basically anything that says "uh."

Where is the schwa sound in afraid?

The first A in "afraid" can be considered a schwa (unstressed uh sound).

What does a fish tank sound like?

no it sounds like a a buzzing bee like the white ones you see there heaps loud

How do you fling the fish out of the tank in Fish with Attitude?

Hold the fish down and throw out of tank

Should you put your fish in a bowl or tank?

it depends on how big it is if it is a goldfish or beta it can be in a bowl.If it is one of those big tiger fish or aqarium fish then put it in a big tank. A fish will grow to the size of the tank or bowl. For instance, say a goldfish is in a tank, it will not grow as big as the tank; however it will grow big enough to be able to swim in their environment. The fish will not overgrow the tank. I had a six inch goldfish in a thirty gallon tank.

Is it correct to say a tank that belongs to several fish is the fish's tank?

That depends on what you mean to say. For example, if you have one angel fish in the tank you could say "That's the fish's tank" meaning that is the tank for the angel fish. If you also had a couple of clown fish, you could refer to the tank as belonging to all three fish by saying "That's the fishes' tank." Slightly different spelling and punctuation

Can fish drown in a fish tank?

Yes, but depending on how big you or the tank is.

Does leaving a fish tank open kill the fish inside?

Not in its self. The fish could jump out of the tank and land outside the tank, though.