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Q: Are the ideas and influences of Socrates Plato and Aristotle still the ultimate basis of Western Society?
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What did Aristotle influence?

Aristotle influenced all of Western society, considered one of the greatest philosophical minds to have ever existed. His contributions centered around Ethics, Logic & Reasoning, politics, and metaphysics. He mentored Alexander the Great and-with the aid from his mentor Plato and the one who mentored him, Socrates-laid the foundation for Western philosophy. In doing so, Aristotle inspired many Greek philosophers who came later on, as well as setting the basis for many religious teachings. Both Christian and Islamic theologians can trace their views back to Aristotle. See the related links for more information.

Why does Socrates believe that it would be wrong for him to escape?

Socrates felt that as a product of the society in which he lived he then should be obedient to those laws and honor those responsibilities as a citizen .

What was socrates contribution to society?

Socrates contribution to the modern society is imense, and can't be compared. He awakened thinkers, effectively rebutted a central tenant of the sophists, pioneered the use of inductive reasoning to draw logical conclusions,founded scientific method,

How did Aristotle and Plato's idea of government differ?

Plato wanted to achieve is a perfect society through rebuilding. Aristotle was unconcerned with creating a new, perfect society. He wanted to improve on the existing one through a deductive approach.

How does Aristotle's discoveries effect the world today?

Aristotle has definitely influenced today's society through all his books written. One way he has influenced today's society is in biology, Aristotle used to do lots of dissections on animals like opening fertilized chicken eggs at various times to record its growth to hatching. He also discovered; migration of terrestrial animals and fishes, hibernation, behavior of social animals. He recognized "the king bee" drones and worker bees, and that the amount of honey available influences the number of drones produced, that women and men contribute to the babies genes and much more.

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How did Greek philosophy affect Greek society?

it helped the Greeks in many different ways. Plato, Socrates and Aristotle questioned everything except there gender.

Did Aristotle write that ' laws rules and regulations are guidelines for a civilized society?

Did Aristotle write that ,' laws, rulesand regulations are guidelines for a civilized society.

How are culture and society?

Culture influences the people in the society and society follows culture.

Who did Aristotle believe should govern society?

The people.

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How do you apply the ideas of Socrates in your life?

In order to apply the ideas and philosophical concepts Socrates introduced, one must first know what they are. Secondly, the individual should learn and study these concepts and consider their relativity to modern society. Third, one must then practice their application at appropriate times. Eventually, it will become easier and more natural to apply Socrates' philosophies. Although not necessary, further reading into Plato's (his student) works, as well as Plato's pupil (Aristotle) can help better understand Socrates' original conceptions and postulates.

How are culture and society interrelated?

Culture influences the people in the society and society follows culture.

What was the significance of Plato?

Plato was a student of Socrates who wrote down all his teachings. In his own perspective, which was not necessarily the precise and unbiased record. Also, there were others who recorded Socrates' teachings. Plato taught Aristotle, who taught Alexander the great all of whom influence us today; Philosophically, scientifically, mathematically and politically. He wrote the Republic, which described an ideal society.

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as English influences on society

Is it that society influences man or man influences society?

It is a reciprocal relationship where both society influences individuals through social norms, values, and expectations, and individuals contribute to shaping society through their actions, behaviors, and beliefs. It is a dynamic process where individuals and society continually impact and shape each other.

Who from the recent times has challenged the society by asking uncomfortable questions?
