

Are their any zimbabweans in the french foreign legion?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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You'll never know. When a man (and they are only men) enter the Foreign Legion they give up their names and pasts.

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Q: Are their any zimbabweans in the french foreign legion?
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Yes, quite a few.

Are US citizens allowed to fight in the French Foreign Legion?

The French Foreign Legion accepts citizens of any nationality. However, US law dictates that enlistment in a foreign military or direct employment with a foreign government is considered a voluntary renouncement of US citizenship.

Was any South Africans in the French Foreign Legion?

Very likely, the Legion gained notoriety in North Africa, it's legacy has always been the foreign volunteer...Africa itself was notorious for "soldiers of fortune" (mercenaries) up until the 1970s. South Africans would be on home turf with the legion.

What is the foreign legion?

The French Foriegn Legion was a French military unit made up of volunteers. This unit allowed any foriegner to join and it became a way for many criminals to escape their country and possible jail. The Foriegn Legion was used in the French colonies in Africa. They were depicted in many of the old movies and can be recognized by their white Kepi hats.The Legion still exists.Website:

Can a Filipino join the french foreign legion?

Traditionally, any "fighting man" could join the "Legion", if he was a "fighting man." Fighting man=Male, physically fit, able to march/fight, and follow orders.

Can you enlist in the french foreign legion with a marijuana charge?

Any criminal except murderers can join.A pot conviction won't even keep you out of the US army.

Can a nonviolent offendor enlist in the french foreign legion?

No. The entry criteria for the Legion are very strict nowadays, and most recruits have served in other armies. You'd need to be extremely fit, both physically and psychologically, and the training is probably harder than in any other army unit. And you'd have to learn French.

What will a 40 year old do in the foreign legion?

probably the same as any other legionaire...............

What is the size of the french foreign legion?

Back in 1962 the French Foreign Legion had its elite units disbanded, its heavy weaponry (tanks, cannons, etc) taken away and was downsized to 8,000 men, a figure it keeps today. Wikipedia lists is at 7,700 men, and the vast majority of its force doesn't serve for more than 10 years, around 30-40% of the men it hires not finishing their first five-year contract (one of the highest levels of desertion of any military in the world). For comparison, the United States Marine Corps, the smallest foreign-deployable branch of the US military, is 200,000 men strong.

How can you join the foreign legion?

• to be between the age of 17 and 40 years old (Parental or legal tutor authorization is required for minors), • to hold a valid official identity card, • to be physically fit for duty wherever he may be needed, • knowledge of the French language is not necessary because it will be acquired during the contract. Enlistment Procedures: The first contract is for five years To enlist in the French Foreign Legion, all volunteers must present themselves in any recruiting office in France. Travel costs and the eventual obtention of a visa are borne by the candidate and no help whatsoever can be accorded by the French Foreign Legion. If successful, after preliminary medical check-ups, the candidate will be transfered to the selection center of the Legion Headquarters in Aubagne (15 kms from Marseille) where he will undergo medical, IQ and physical fitness tests. If the candidate is successfull in passing the selection, he will be asked to sign a five years unconditional contract to serve wherever the French Foreign Legion needs him. The unsuccessfull candidate is immediately returned to civilian life to rejoin his country of origin without any financial aid. The Initial Contract For four months the young legionnaire will receive a basic military instruction at the 4th Foreign Regiment located in Castelnaudary after which, he will be posted to a regiment, depending on his capabilities and the needs of the French Foreign Legion. Promotion through the ranks will depend upon his physical capacities as well as his IQ, service record and leadership abilities. from

Is there any foreign language software that teaches French Creole?

Yes, there is foreign language software that teaches French Creoel. You can find more information at