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yes there are trains here today!

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Q: Are their trains today
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Are the trains running today?


Are trains still used today?

Yes, trains are still being used today in large quantities.

What is the difference between trains then and trains today?

Previously trains means cheaper but slower. Now trains are faster and costlier

What did trains run on today?

They run on coal :)

What type of fule do the majority trains use?

The majority of trains in use today run on diesel fuel.

How do you travel today?

by cars, buses, planes, and trains.

What method of transport do you use to travel today?


What are steam engines being used for today?

trains x

How did they travel in World War 2?

in a stem trainThe very same ways we do today - cars, trains, planes (although not nearly as many as today), boats, etc.

Trains Of Today?

Steam toys have been around for quite a long time. When parents think of steam toys, they usually think of trains. These are the most popular toys that have steam. Trains can be very elaborate in how the tracks are arranged and in the design of the trains themselves. Trains are more realistic today than they were years ago. Water is poured into the train to make steam as it rolls around the track in the home. Trains are appropriate for boys and girls to play with.

When were trains bilt?

The first trains were built in England in the 1820's. Since then, they have evolved from running in a little circle for pleasure; to the long trains that haul goods and other things today.

Why is coal no longer used in trains?

Coal is still used in many steam engines today. Coal is not used on diesel trains or electric trains simply because it is not fuel for them. Electric trains and diesel trains are the most common trains in use, and not trains capable of using coal, because they are more efficent and much less costly to maintain.