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it depends on The Bible you get some are designed for people who find it hard to understand all the the thou thy s so it has been writen in a story form for those people. it has the jest of it but leaves out some important wording which can change how the sentence is taken. the best thing to do is get either a new Americanstandard or new king James the are the closest to the language of the bible was writen having a Hebrew dictionary for the old tastimate and a greek dictionary for the new testimate will be a big help to understand the meaning of some of the words. and dig in to history some things can change your out look when you know the time it was writen.

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Q: Are there Mistranslations in The Bible?
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The Jewish Bible is called 'Tanach'. The word Tanach is an acronym made from the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings). The Christian's call the Tanach the Old Testament, but the Christian Old Testament is somewhat different because it contains mistranslations, additional texts, and other changes that were made to support the teachings of Christianity.

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Unfortunately, when the King James Bible was translated from Greek to English, or when it was updated later, some mistranslations occurred. Reasons for this are not known, but they may have occurred because the translators used words that were based on their own understanding, rather than what the words actually mean. The word "pascha" means "Passover" and should have been translated as Passover, not Easter.

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Martin Luther main discovery when studying the Bible was that he didn't agree with it, thus he spent most of his time mutilating the Bible by throwing out books which he didn't agree with (all of the Deuterocanon from the Old Testament, and a good bit of the deuterocanon from the New Testament. Those books that he didn't throw out, like St. Paul's letters, he altered so that they would agree with his religion. For a complete discussion of the many changes that Martin Luther made to the Bible, and the mistranslations that he made of it, please read The Facts About Luther by Msgr. Patrick F. O'Hare, LL.D. and for a complete discussion of the Bible and the story of the lost books of the protestant Bible, please read Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger by Gary G. Michuta, links below.

Is the KJV the correct version of the Bible?

The King James Version (KJV) is the 'correct' version if it is the version mandated or recommended by your denomination. It is not a particularly accurate version. Not only does it inherit many of the mistranslations historically taken from the Septuagint (an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible), it adds some inadvertent translation errors of its own. The authorised version of the KJV contains many passages that include italicised words. These are intended to show where the translators intentionally did not follow the original, or where the original was not sufficently clear for them to be certain of the meaning.

What is the story of the transfiguration according to the Catholic Bible?

.Catholic AnswerThe only differences between a Bible and a protestant translation of the Bible is that the protestant version has removed seven books from the Old Testament and has notes in the New Testament trying to put a protestant interpretation on the verses. Most of the verses in the New Testament are the same, with a few deliberate mistranslations in older translations such as the King James Version.

Deletions and substitutions are types of mutations Which type is more likely to cause mistranslations of proteins?

Deletions, because they shift the reading frame and cause downstream amino acids to be changed.

What should you do about people that are against gays?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals being intentionally distributed by people who feel this fear. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some others will use mistranslations from the Bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals, but there arguments don't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.

What is speacial about the Torah?

The Torah is the five books that God gave to Moses. The Torah is considered to be the word of God by Jews. Christians follow the Old Testament which is a variation of the Torah with some mistranslations. To Jews there is nothing old about it, it is the eternal word of God and there is no 'New' Testament.

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• Misunderstanding occurs when there is a "Glitch" in relaying your thoughts when communicating with others. • When there are no words in the other language to describe a certain situation. • Grammatical errors when one is translating from "simple language" to a "hard language" • Localization errors • Communication Barriers • Mistranslations

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The Gutenberg bible

What is the French word for 'Bible'?

The French word for 'Bible' is "la Bible."