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Since 2006 after Congress banned horse slaughter in the United States all horse slaughter plants have closed. But these horses that were once killed in the US are now shipped to other countries such as Mexico.

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Q: Are there any active horse slaughter plants in the US?
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Are there any horse slaughter plants in California?

No. It is illegal to slaughter a horse in the united states. It is a horrible thing in my eyes.

Are there any celebrities actively involved against Mexican Horse Slaughter?

I'm not sure. But just for the record, I love your question! If I were a celebrity, I would be, too. My favorite part of the question is how you said "Mexican" instead of just horse slaughter. I am against Mexican horse slaughter, but I support humane slaughter in the US. So I call myself a slaughter-supporter, because I support horse slaughter here in the US. Sorry if this didn't help. Thanks, Jaybrianna.

What breeds of horses are being slaughtered for meat?

The breed of horse that is slaughtered most is the American Quarter Horse. This horse also happens to be the horse that is most commonly over-bred. We should stop massacring the American Quarter Horse.

What are the benefits of horse slaughter?

There are no benefits to any kind of horse slaughter. Americans won't eat horse meat but a lot of American horses are slaughtered for the meat market in parts of Europe. As a horse owner and lover my whole life I can't imagine how anyone could support such practices. There is another kind of horse slaughter that happens everyday in the United States. It's the slaughter of our wild mustangs by ranchers and so called sportsmem. Our own mustangs are being killed because they infringe on ranchers territories (mostly Federal land) for grazing. Others are killed for sport. These horses are a part of our heritage and should be treated with respect and dignity.

Are there any types of grass that will hurt a horse?

No but there are many plants in the grass that can.

What states were allowed to slaughter horses?

Any state in the USA could legally slaughter horses at one time. Horses were slaughtered for many years and their meat used in the pet food industry. Technically horse slaughter was not made illegal, The inspection of slaughtered horses by USDA veterinarians was defunded by the federal government.

What does a wild horse eat and how does it obtain its food?

Grass and other plants. It grazes, like any other domestic horse in a field.

What is the difference between banning horse slaughtering and being illegal?

Banning horse slaughtering is where the horses go to0 farm and are torn apart and people can do legally with a license and when you slaughter horses illegal you do not have a license or any rights to be slaughtering horses.

What is Cody Slaughter's brother's names?

The names of his brother's are William slaughter, josh slaughter, & Logan slaughter. He also has a stepbrother and stepsister who are Andrew Fryer and Shannon Lambeth. He also has a niece named Diana Slaughter who is William's daughter.

How old are steers when slaughtered?

There is no slaughter age for a horse. Horses can and are slaughtered at any age provided they meet specific drug testing requirements and are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse that has funded meat safety inspections.

Will nail polish remover kill house plants?

If you watered the poor plants with it might, but normal use should not affect any plants in the room if only by being in such tiny amounts. The active ingredient is acetone.

Are there any plants that can harm a horse?

Ragwort mainly. Usually it does the most harm when it is dried and in hay. It'spoisonous to humans as well.