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There are many benefits to kickboxing workouts, such as cardio, and overall balance for your body. Kickboxing can be dangerous but under adult supervision is okay for all ages.

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Q: Are there any good benefits of doing a kickboxing workout and are kickboxing workouts good for all ages?
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What ages are kickboxing classes recommended for?

Kickboxing is a fun workout that can be started and enjoyed at any age. The key to making it safe is to listen to your own body while doing any exercise. Take it slow and do not push yourself too hard at first. You will quickly see results.

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Where can I get fitness center than provide Kim Kardashian workout?

If you have Fitness TV Kim Kardashain will now be doing fitness workouts on TV. If you wish to do her workout with a trainer, print a copy of her workout off eHow and show it to your trainer who can make sure you get the most out of it.

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You can learn about the firm workouts from the firm movies or at the gym or online by doing a search. Just pick the option that is easiest for you and look for the firm.

What are good workouts for a six pack?

There are many great workouts that will help you get six pack abs, but my favorite is a bicycle crunch. It works all your abs and at the same time it gives you that finishing touch of the V cut. This answer is good too but you did not list the workouts that the person asked for in the question. I think workouts like Pilate's and crunches and stuff like that should help. going for a swim is good ab workout plus its a hole body workout and it will help you cut down fat in your abs and also doing around 15 minuets of skipping ( with ropes) will help tone your abs if you flex well doing it .

Is doing the 30 day shred a fast way to lose weight?

This workout can definitely be a fast way to lose weight if you are consistent in your workouts and burning more calories than you are consuming.

what do you think is the best fat burning workout?

I would suggest the "Biggest Loser" series. It has been proven on Live television that their workouts work! Also, as I have been doing research on this question, the same line keeps popping up. Doing isolated workouts DOES NOT work. Changing up your workouts creates the best way to burn fat. With that in mind, I also suggest that you do not ONLY use the "Biggest Loser DVDs/Workouts". There is also "Zumba", "Insanity", "P90X" and "Yoga" Series that I have seen at Wal-Mart. What is most important is that you find a couple of workouts that you enjoy and have fun!